Fermenting Solutions Issue 7: Makin' Beacon

Published: Tue, 09/26/17

September 27, 2017 View in browser

Welcome back to Fermenting Solutions! It's been a while... which brings us to the focus of this issue... The threddies shop . We've been busy getting everything setup and if you haven't checked it out yet, you really should. Naturally, after opening the shop, we wanted to stay engaged with people who were interested in knowing more about the shop. So we started looking for interesting ways to accomplish this.


I had a bunch of Beacons lying around that I've played around with over the years, but other than the one I use to advertise my attendance at conferences, none were really put to dedicated use.


Ever since I read this article, I was intent on using Beacons in some fashion if/when threddies ever opened a brick and mortar location.


After opening the store, the desire to use Beacons was initially held back by the lack of a dedicated threddies app to interact with. Google began to heavily push the Physical Web concept and made it trivial for users of Chrome/ChromeOS/Android to interact with nearby Beacons without a dedicated app.


This made it a no brainer to make the threddies shop a part of the Physical Web. Click through for the blog post that I wrote that describes what I did in more detail.


"As our bodies age and beer continues to amass in our bellies, we find ourselves faced with Less Agility than we had in our youth. It feels as though this is the inevitability that comes with passing time. Less Agility is an American Wheat Ale, well-hopped in the kettle with Belma and Motueka, then dry hopped with El Dorado and Cascade. Meandering notes of straw and marmalade, fresh baked rye bread and light lemon and melon rind work together to keep your taste buds agile, even if your body says different."

Wow! what a description! I've enjoyed many brews during my hiatus, but this was a recent one that I particularly enjoyed from one of my favorite breweries... Hidden River. These guys (and their beers) are great and you should definitely check them out

That's it for this issue. I've got more Beacons to deploy in Perkasie.

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