This week's bro-dates newsletter!

Published: Wed, 05/25/16

May 25, 2016View in browser


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For those who know me, you know my love of woodworking. I follow a lot of cool channels on YouTube who are DIY aficionados. However this guy from Ireland takes the cake. Using electricity, he creates some awesome artwork on a pallet coffee table and fills it with glow in the dark paint. Very nice.
Rickey News Videos
There isn't anything more bro than taking full advantage of technology. This guy here is taking a snooze whole stuck in traffic. Though I feel he could of made a better effort to look awake(tinted windows dude!), this is pretty crazy that the Tesla is going with the flow.
China is more know for terrible air and other crazy socio-political issues. However this little invention is something that can be a game-changer. There isn't anything more frustrating than being stuck behind a SEPTA bus, well other than the SEPTA trains. Check out what China has put together as I believe this solves a lot of unique problems with a city's infrastructure.
This curated newsletter was made with love for you using Curate, the latest AWeber mobile app for iOS and Android.