This week's bro-dates newsletter!

Published: Fri, 06/03/16

June 3, 2016View in browser


I hope you all had an amazing Memorial Day weekend.

This week's bro-dates are going to follow a theme of recognizing our troops and everything 'Murica this week.

So get your Bruce Springsteen American bandana out, eat some steak and have a beer!

Washington Post
There probably isn't anything more American than seeing an immigrant become successful by graduating from West Point. I mean that is the AMERICAN DREAM! Here is an awesome story of a Haitian bro who worked incredibly hard to become a pilot in the Army.
Fleet week has been an American tradition since America put a chicken inside a duck inside of a turkey. Here's a great song by Jimmy Fallon and Adam Sandler for the troops attending!
Stars and Stripes
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Melvin Rector long carried England in his heart after he helped defend it during World War II, but 70 years passed without him stepping foot back in the country. The 94-year-old finally decided to leave his home in Barefoot Bay, Fla., to visit Britain earlier this month.
Shooting a gun is probably the most American thing is civilians get to do. Well how about watching the most bad ass soldiers doing it on our soil? Yea, that is pretty awesome!!!
In today's "freedom themed items I need to own", we have a pretty cool bro putting bullets in epoxy. BallisticImpressions is a bro business who makes a bunch of different office and personal designs from everything ammo. Check them out because supporting small businesses who make awesome things is the American thing to do.
There is nothing cooler than reading about awesome American doing really cool things to support their country. Eddie Rickenbacker is a lesser known speed demon since NASCAR didn't become big until the late 80s with Dale Earnhardt. Anyways, check out this awesome BroBible story about Eddie Rickenbacker the racer who became Eddie Rickenbacker the Ace Fighter Pilot.
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