Join the Women’s Practice Group on FB!

Published: Tue, 02/13/18

Well , it’s finally our time!

Our Women’s Practice Focus Group is now live on Facebook.

(For those of you interested in the 5-week online course - as soon as I have those dates confirmed, I will let you know. But no worries if you don’t make the first one. I promise, more dates and opportunities will be offered throughout the upcoming year.)

You probably already know this but I’m currently in Byron Bay studying and practicing with Dena Kingsberg. We all need female role models - inspired women as both mentors and teachers. Dena has certainly developed into this for me.

Anyway, on the second day, after watching me transition out of a posture she stopped me and asked, “Who taught you to do it this way? A male teacher or a female one?

What I found most interesting was that she rightly assumed it was not a natural movement I had made up myself. She was right - I was taught. And I’m also pretty sure she already knew it wasn’t a woman who taught me. 

Now, the Mysore room isn’t a time for deep discussions. But I think the message I took away was this: what is natural movement for a man may not be the natural movement for a woman. And vice versa. There are differences. 

Dena suggested another transition. One a bit easier on the joints and requiring somewhat less energy. This would be the beginning of a pattern - or a repatterning, honestly. There are certainly areas in my practice where she is quite exacting. Adamant, even. But with a focus on intelligence and kindness rather than some predetermined condition of a posture.

I’m sure I’ll have much more to share with you later about all this, but for now - I’d love to talk a little more about the surveys you all filled out ... 

Based on your answers, one thing was clear: You are one strong, confident, nurturing, and loving group of women. In fact, I wondered how much - or if anything at all - I would have to offer.

Yet, it was in your comments I realized why we have come together. You see, I’m not sure most of you actually know what an incredible badass you already are!

It is not always easy for us women to tell the difference in ourselves between being lazy and being smart - often erring by assuming the first. In the same way, we confuse inconsistency with our kind response to our lives and our bodies. 

And besides, I ask you - whose standards are we using to begin with? 

One of our first guests to the Women’s Practice Focus Group will be my friend Sophie Cleere. We will discuss women as cyclical beings - live, in our FB group on our Saturday afternoon. (No worries, it will be taped for those of you who miss!)

You see, much of what we view as inconsistency is really our natural waves of ebb and flow. Easy to note the flux of changes within a month - but how about years? Or decades? Then you will see just how steadfast and incredibly consistent we are. 

Though perhaps we should also ask ourselves - who set these standards to begin with? 

, part of becoming the woman you are meant to be is letting go of the woman you think you should be. Then and only then, can you start to celebrate you.

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” 
// Anna Quindlen
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