Marion Owen's Medley

You signed up for Marion Owen's mailing list, Goodness from Kodiak, Alaska.

Checking in with you... [Marion Owen]

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

Hi, it's Marion, I see that you considered buying my "Winter 'Home & Garden' bundle.Did you leave because of the missing PayPal payment option? If so,…

Checking in with you... [Marion Owen]

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

Hi, it's Marion, I see that you considered buying my "Winter 'Home & Garden' bundle.Did you leave because of the missing PayPal payment option? If so,…

My Winter 'Home & Garden' Offer is CRAZY!

Published: Mon, 01/22/24

Hi, it's Marion here ! I got quite a few messages from people after opening the Winter 'Home & Garden' bundle, asking if this offer was really true...

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