Folasade Ayegbusi

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Are You a Fraud?

Published: Tue, 06/20/23

It's Time to Deliver On Your Promises Hey, Have you asked yourself why you started your business in the first place? I ask this because many of you…

I Am Sending You a Father’s Day Gift.

Published: Sat, 06/17/23

Budget Effectively for Financial Management Hey, I’m reaching out to send my Father’s Day gift to you. But first, are you ready to take the first step…

IRS Is Cracking Down on This Tax Credit

Published: Thu, 06/15/23

Stop Trusting Shady Ta Advisor Hey, The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a ta incentive established by the government to help companies facing…

Do You Owe The IRS? Is It Now Worrying You?

Published: Thu, 06/08/23

Find Relief from the IRS with My E pert Ta Resolution Services Hey, Are you feeling overwhelmed by ta debt and IRS penalties after filing your 2023 ta…

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