Green Meadows Productions

My Bible Insight!

My Tuesday Training Call!

Published: Tue, 10/31/23

Hi ! Join Me Today, 10/31/23, on "MY TUESDAY TRAINING CALL" Call Time: 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM ESTDial In Number: 667-770-1536Access Code:…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Tue, 10/31/23

How To Show Kindness!"Add to your faith…brotherly kindness."2 Peter 1: 5, 7 Earlier in the year, two police officers in Oklahoma received a report of…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Mon, 10/30/23

How To Be Patient!"Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ."2 Thessalonians 3: 5 A self-help website…

Your Most Powerful Force Brokering Freight, !

Published: Fri, 10/27/23

_____________________________________________________________________ Hi ! If I’ve learned one thing after 30+ years of selling, it’s this: Emotion…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Fri, 10/27/23

Our Soul Of Faith!"On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."Matthew 22: 40 In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Polonius says to…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Thu, 10/26/23

Circles Of Love!"You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself:…

Are You Strong Enough To Dominate, !

Published: Wed, 10/25/23

_____________________________________________________________________ Hi ! There are four things that are essential to creating a dominant freight…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Wed, 10/25/23

What If....?"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago,whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such…

My Tuesday Training Call!

Published: Tue, 10/24/23

Hi ! Join Me Today, 10/24/23, on "MY TUESDAY TRAINING CALL" Call Time: 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM ESTDial In Number: 667-770-1536Access Code:…

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