Green Meadows Productions

My Bible Insight!

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Mon, 12/11/23

The Prelude To Heaven! "And I saw thrones.... And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years."Revelation 20:4 The “William Tell Overture”…

Your BEST Response When Prospects Object !

Published: Fri, 12/08/23

Hi ! Freight Brokers face objection after objection through the sales cycle. It’s just a fact. Most don’t know how to respond to these, and after…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Fri, 12/08/23

Our Millennium Force!"He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years."Revelation 20:…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Thu, 12/07/23

Trust These Witnesses!"These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth."Revelation 11: 4Beginning with the…

How To Negotiate The BEST Freight Rates !

Published: Wed, 12/06/23

Hi ! Outside of making repeated contact with the marketplace and building your contact list, negotiating freight rates is ne t in line to successfully…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Wed, 12/06/23

Our Finest Hour!"Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am…

My Tuesday Training Call!

Published: Tue, 12/05/23

Hi ! Join Me Today, 12/05/23, on "MY TUESDAY TRAINING CALL" Call Time: 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM ESTDial In Number: 667-770-1536Access Code:…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Tue, 12/05/23

How To Escape The Fire!"Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole…

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