Green Meadows Productions

My Bible Insight!

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Wed, 01/24/24

Somebody Does Care!"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."Romans 5: 6 Army Pfc. Garfield…

My Tuesday Training Call!

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

Hi ! Join Me Today, 1/23/24, on "MY TUESDAY TRAINING CALL" Call Time: 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM ESTDial In Number: 667-770-1536Access Code:…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

An Unusual Angel! "And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Mon, 01/22/24

Our Angel Chauffeurs!"Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the heavenly banquet."Luke 16: 22Some people…

How You Overcome Fear Of Failure, !

Published: Fri, 01/19/24

Hi ! For many freight brokers, the fear of failure is what truly holds them back…Fear their business will fail…Fear they won’t hit their goals…Fear of…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Fri, 01/19/24

The Angels In Heaven!"Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Thu, 01/18/24

How To Counter Satan’s Lies!"Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."Psalm 119: 11What do we do when we get bad…

The Perfect Freight Broker System, !

Published: Wed, 01/17/24

Hi ! Regardless of your personality type, I want to teach you how to become a great freight broker. If you want to move more loads, let’s dive into…

My Bible Insight! with Ted Keyes✝️

Published: Wed, 01/17/24

Our Weapons For War!"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does."2 Corinthians 10: 3The Bible declares things that are not…

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