Are You Forgetting to Breathe?

Published: Mon, 12/07/20

Take a breath.

Breathe in through your nose, hold, hold, hold.
Now exhale slowly through your nose. Pause.

Breathe in through your nose, hold, hold, hold.
Exhale slowly through your nose. Pause.

Breathe in through your nose, hold, hold, hold.
Exhale slowly through your nose. Pause.

Go back to your regular breathing. Did you notice your mind started to slow down after taking these three somewhat simple breaths?

In all ancient traditions, they say that the breath controls the mind and the mind controls the breath. In Ancient Greece, breath and spirit were one and the same word, pnevma. (Fun fact: This is the root of the word pneumonics.)

So today's email is about the science of stress aka the science of breath. :)

When we were born, all of us were breathing properly. However, as we grew older, most of us unlearned the importance of proper breath. Yes, I know that every one knows that we need to breathe to live, etc. etc, etc. but most people might not realize that our breath determines the quality of our life. Our breath is directly linked to our moods. This means that we can use our breath to adjust our moods and therefore improve our life.

  “And God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” - Genesis 2:7

In yoga, there are many styles of breath-work. However, you truly only need to learn a couple. The breath-work we talked about in the beginning of this email is part of "belly breathing" aka "abdominal breathing". The foundation of belly breathing is inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Science has proven that deep breaths through the nose will calm our nervous system, whereas deep breaths through the mouth increase our fight, flight or freeze mode.

This is how you do deep belly breathing:

Sit comfortably with your spine tall.

Put one hand on your belly and the other hand on your chest
Close your eyes

Keeping the mouth closed, inhale through the nose and feel your belly expand like a balloon. Your chest should not be moving and neither should your shoulders.
Keeping the mouth closed exhale through the nose and feel your belly shrink towards your spine. Your chest should not be moving and neither should your shoulders.

See if you can make your exhale, slower than your inhale.

Repeat this breathing for a couple of minutes and notice how much calmer, well composed and rejuvenated you feel. You might say that you feel relaxed and highly energized at the same time. This is exactly how you are supposed to feel.

Think of your breath as the most inexpensive, robust, portable and time tested relaxation tool that you will ever own. When we breathe properly, we remain calm under pressure, because we get to tap in to deeper levels of energy resources. You could call it as gaining an “unfair advantage”.

Other Resources on the Science of Breath
             No classes this week, teaching 300-hr Ayurveda and Yoga training in North Georgia. Studio classes resume on Monday, December 14.
  You have been formed of three parts - body, breath, and mind. Of these, the first two are yours insofar as they are only in your care. The third alone is truly yours. -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 12.3

Take care of your breath and have a marvelous week!
Na'maste Kala!

- Tim and Vie