Happy Venusian New Year!

Published: Mon, 02/20/23

May this message find you all doing wonderful and enjoying life to its fullest.

It’s been a while since our last message where we said we were going to take a few weeks off.  The old adage of “man plans and God laughs” must be true after all.  :)

Stuff that may not interest you:

My Ayurvedic Astrology course was successfully completed!  However, I decided to go for all three levels.  It has been a fascinating, enlightening and quite grueling experience to say the least.

In the meantime, we were also able to see quite a few projects to completion on the property itself. We now have a solar powered indoor gym, an outdoor gym, a dedicated infrared sauna area, a cold plunge space, a screened in sitting room, and the right drainage to keep most of the water (at least as of right now) away from the house. We should soon be able to do our laundry on property as we now have a washer and dryer but we still have to run power and water to the space.

Freyja (the Ayurvedic puppy) is now a very proper young lady who is trying to figure out how to play with Kali, our adorable rescue kitty who became twice the size within 3 weeks of joining us.

Stuff that should interest you:

Today, Venus is transiting into the sign of Aries marking the beginning of the Venusian New Year.  This Venusian New Year will run until early April of 2024 when Venus will have completed her journey around the whole zodiac (all 12 signs).  What makes this day even more auspicious than usual is the fact that today is a New Moon.  New Moons favor and amplify new beginnings.

Just about now, Tim jumps in and wants to know what this really means.  :)

Venus, in Ayurvedic Astrology is about what we like (and dislike for that matter), what we give our attention to, and what we attract on a day to day basis. Due to her association with the sign of Taurus and House II, Venus can help us figure out our inner talents and skills as long as we remain grounded.  What does Venus recommend as a grounding mechanism?  Nature!  Bring in more nature into your life whichever way you can.

For a more in depth discussion on the Venusian New Year, listen to our latest podcast episode:
Venus Transit | Ayurvedic New Year | Ayurvedic Astrology

Until next time...   Much much love from all of us!
Na’maste Kala! (Which in Greek means, may we all be well!)

Tim, Vie, Freyja & Kali | Ayurveda Outlaws

PO Box 784
Sautee Nacoochee GA 30571

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