Jupiter, Uranus & Meat

Published: Sun, 04/14/24

Hello Every One,
There are many interesting things that Tim and I have been wanting to share with you all for quite a while now.  The topics are vast and the time is limited so right now we are only going to focus on just a couple of things.  The order that we are listing them has nothing to do with their level of importance.  :)

Topic 1
The Planets Speak (aka Astrology)

On April 21, 2024 Jupiter comes as close as it gets to Uranus.  It is what is called a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

Last time this conjunction took place was in 2010/2011. Both planets were in the highly emotional, empathic, intuitive, spiritual, malleable and unpredictable sign of Pisces.  If you wish, think back, what was going on in your life then?  This might help you shed light on the influence that the planetary forces had on you at that time.

Now, the upcoming April 21 conjunction happens in the highly practical, productive, objective, generous, grounded, earth-oriented sign of Taurus. Last time the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurred in the sign of Taurus was in May 1941.  

If you are reading this and you remember what was going on in your life then, you are at least 83 years old.  Please, reply back to us.  I would love to interview you!

So, what should we expect from this celestial event?

Uranus represents our unique skills and talents, our thinking outside the box, what makes us special, what differentiates us from others, our individuality.

Jupiter represents how we connect with others, how we integrate in our community and society, what we bring to the table and how we become part of something bigger than ourselves.  

The balance between these seemingly conflicting dynamics was probably best described by Carl Jung when he said:

Individualization does not shut one out from the world, but gathers the world to oneself. 

Topic 2
Why Eat Meat Study

There is a very interesting study that was published on November 2, 2021 which has received almost no traction. It is referred to as “The Harvard Carnivore Diet Study”,  considered by many as the first mainstream study of the carnivore diet.

The study included 2029 participants who had been following the “carnivore” diet for at least 6 months. Some of the results included the following: The results were surprising to many, to say the least.  This is understandable given the fact that according to the researchers “this is the first modern report on a large group of people habitually consuming few plant foods, a dietary pattern broadly considered incompatible with good health.”

The full study can be found here:  The Harvard Carnivore Diet Study

Anecdotal Evidence

A couple of weeks ago, a friend of ours stopped by to visit on his way to North Carolina.  After only 3 days of eating same stuff we eat, his back pain went away, his energy level was higher and his clothes fit better.  He could not believe his transformation -- especially since he loves eating meat, hates vegetables, loves coffee and enjoys whisky with a cigar on occasion.

Until next time...   Much much love from all of us!
Na’maste Kala! (Which in Greek means, may we all be well!)

Tim, Vie, Freyja & Kali | Ayurveda Outlaws

PO Box 784
Sautee Nacoochee GA 30571

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