Arizona Tuition Connection

Arizona Tuition Connection is a School Tuition Organization approved by the state of Arizona Dept. of Revenue to take private school tax credit donations.

Does your employer match?

Published: Wed, 04/27/22

The donation you made could be doubled! View this email in your browser Dear, Thank you again for your 2021 ta credit donation. You are awesome! Did…

Company matching: Applicants

Published: Wed, 04/27/22

View this email in your browser, Did you know, donations where your family has been recommended may be eligible for matching through the donor's…

Our many thanks!

Published: Mon, 04/18/22

It's been an outstanding year. View this email in your browser Thank you to everyone who participated in making this ta credit donation season a…

1 day left...

Published: Sun, 04/17/22

We're on the edge of our seats! View this email in your browser Just 1 day left until the 2021 ta filing and donation deadline of April 18th, 2022.

2 days left...

Published: Sat, 04/16/22

Who will you talk to this weekend? View this email in your browser Just 2 days left until the 2021 ta filing and donation deadline of April 18th,…

3 days left...

Published: Fri, 04/15/22

Here's what you can be doing. View this email in your browser Just 3 days left until the 2021 ta filing and donation deadline of April 18th, 2022.

Donation Deadline: April 18th, 2022

Published: Tue, 04/12/22

Thank you in advance!, In previous years you have made a generous ta credit donation to support the private school program, or a private school…

Filing an Extension

Published: Mon, 04/11/22

Donation deadline, April 18th. View this email in your browser, Did you also know that even if someone files for an e tension they still must make…

Thank you, from all of us.

Published: Thu, 04/07/22

Arizona Gives Day was a success! View this email in your browser Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Arizona Gives Day promotion!…

Today's the Day! (Oops! Excuse our typo!)

Published: Tue, 04/05/22

Matching Day is here. View this email in your browser Today is Matching Day! Donations to the private school ta credit can be made through midnight…

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