B12 Probiotics vs B12 Supplements

Published: Wed, 04/24/24

Hey Everyone!

In addition to our Postbiotics, we also have our B12 Probiotics on special this month.

Did you know that when you take one of those 1000mcg - 5000mcg methylated B12 supplements, that literally 99% of the B12 is peed out?

At the clinical study here, after taking a 1,000 mcg oral supplement, only approximately 1.3% (or 13 mcg) of B12 was absorbed into the bloodstream. In this study, the more mcg of methylated B12 that you take, the lower the percentage of how much B12 gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

You do get your required 2.4mcg’s per day of B12, but you need to take 1000mcg’s in order to get it.

I know that it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but we have no idea what all of that excess is doing within the body before it exits.

In fact, many medical websites state that it’s not a good idea to take methylated supplements long-term. For example, at the medical website here, it states, “High-dose methyl donor supplements can be helpful in some patients, but should not be continued long-term. The use of these supplements should be seen as an acute therapeutic phase to get patients back into a range that can be maintained with diet and lifestyle.”

If you guys remember from last year, a customer forwarded me a short post from Emily D'Adamo, who is a Naturopathic Doctor and daughter of Peter D'Adamo, who is author of 'Eat Right for Your Blood Type', and the 'Blood Type Diet'. She talks about how taking methylated B vitamins, including B12, can really mess up a person's nervous system if they have type O blood, and cause a person much anxiety and insomnia. About 40% of the population has Blood Type O. However, she does state that other blood types can also experience this due to having slow variants of particular enzymes. If you want to read this article from last year, you can click here.

I feel that the optimal solution for getting B12 is our B12 Probiotics, which we have ‘At-Cost’ this month alongside our Postbiotics.

Taking our B12 probiotics is kind of like getting your B12 from food, which is really cool for vegans. You don’t have to load up on 2500-5000mcg’s of a methylated B12 supplement in order to get your required 2.4 mcg’s of B12 in a day. 1/2 teaspoon will give you all of the B12 that you need in a day. When you take our B12 Probiotics, you are simply consuming a living probiotic that is pure B12. This B12 probiotic is called P. freudenreichii.

As seen in the clinical study here, they concluded that these B12 Probiotics produce the active form of B12. The clinical study states, “At present, P. freudenreichii (B12 Probiotics) is the only microorganism that has been both granted GRAS status by the FDA, and shown to produce the active form of vitamin B12. Our B12 Probiotics consist of Hydroxocobalamin, which is a highly bioavailable form of Vitamin B12, which is generally used to treat people with serious deficiencies.

In the same clinical study above they talk about how our B12 probiotics are literally used in order to fortify food with B12 for human and animal feed preparations. Logic tells me, that if I’m in need of B12, that I should go directly to the active bioavailable B12 Probiotics versus eating the animals and the foods that they fortify with it. It’s pure living B12 and these B12 probiotics will survive the digestive tract in humans as seen in these two studies below.

In the clinical studies here, and here, P. freudenreichii (B12 Probiotics) have shown good constitutional survival under digestive stress and their ability to survive low pH conditions of the stomach and exposure to bile. This gut survival has been demonstrated in vivo in humans. High levels of propionibacteria has been detected in feces which provides further proof that it can survive gastrointestinal transit. Once consumption of the propionibacteria ceased, levels in the feces declined.

Additionally, the B12 probiotics are also really good for your gut. In fact, many doctors state that you need intestinal flora in order to absorb B12, and this B12 is an intestinal flora. In the clinical study here, It was shown that the consumption of this bacterium modulates the gut microbiota, which makes P. freudenreichii both a probiotic and a prebiotic. It’s absolutely miraculous how this B12 product comes together.

The B12 probiotics are also really good for our gut that there are over 10 studies showing that they help with IBD and colitis. Here are a couple.

In the clinical study here, P. freudenreichii was effective in the treatment of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis in a human pilot study. In the studies here, here, and here, P. freudenreichii (B12 Probiotics) accelerates the healing in rats with colitis.

In the study here, P. freudenreichii relieves constipation in young healthy women.

In other studies, our B12 probiotics have been shown to protect the intestinal lining, support the absorption of calcium, magnesium and potassium, produce bacteriocins, secrete anti-fungal compounds, secrete anti-viral compounds, synthesize vitamin B8 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin), kill all sorts of pathogenic bacteria including E. Coli, inhibit H. Pylori, and lastly, it has the ability to bind to heavy metals like cadmium and lead, as seen and here.

So, when you take 1/2 teaspoon of our B12 probiotics, not only are you getting all of the B12 that you need in a day, but you also have the potential to reap all of these other benefits.

As usual just like our other potent one ingredient products, our B12 Probiotics is simply one single ingredient with no other fillers. That one ingredient is P. Freudenreichii, which is simply a probiotic (AKA B12 Probiotics).

Normally our B12 Probiotics and our Postbiotics are $39.95 each. We have them available ‘At-Cost’ for you today at only $27.97 each when you get a 3-pack.

If you are interested in ordering, click the link below:

Thanks everyone for your support!




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