Black Power Productions

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What The Hell Were These Men Thinking?

Published: Fri, 05/01/20

Greetings It only took a few Strong Brave Black men working together to bring about change. If you didn't know this movie was based on a real movement…

Huge Lies Exposed (The Scamdemic Continues)

Published: Tue, 04/28/20

Hope You're well today ? It's kinda funny, I've been cussed, ridiculed and even called stupid via email reply, all for sharing views outside of the…

6 Ways to Protect Yourself from Doctors

Published: Tue, 04/28/20

Greetings The Hazards Of Hospitalization Hospitals are a hotbed of iatrogenic disease. Every year two million people are admitted to hospitals with…

Why was he Hated by His Own People?

Published: Sun, 04/26/20

How are You today ? Marcus Mosiah Garvey (1887-1940) Yup, Marcus Garvey was hated and slandered by many of us and even called CRAZY amongst many other…

The Black Holocaust - Naked Truth

Published: Thu, 04/23/20

Morning The aftermath of the slave trade might be worse than the trade itself mainly because the major participants in the trade have made a mission…

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