Adults with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Related Conditions-Harvard Researchers Need your Help!

Published: Tue, 10/21/14

Adults with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Related Conditions-Harvard Researchers Need your Help!


Your input is needed for this very important EDS survey! Follow the link at the bottom of the article to take the survey.

There is a group of doctors at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who would like to understand the bowel and stomach issues that might affect patients with inherited connective tissue disorders. In order to do this, they have put together a survey of pertinent questions.

They hope that if they are able to define some of the problems, doctors will be better able to treat these problems. Results from the survey will be published and shared.

You could help in two ways:

  1. - Please complete this survey at your earliest convenience.
  2. - Please post this survey link on your local support group websites, Facebook, etc. Also email it to other EDS patients within your network.

Click here for Survey Details: