Sun Into Aries 2015: Just Do It

Published: Fri, 03/20/15

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Sun Into Aries 2015 Edition



Hello Readers!    

Spring has arrived.  I’m sure that it could not have come soon enough for many of you.  In addition to the start of a new season and astrological year, the coming cycle features abundant Jupiter turning direct in generous Leo and loads of fire power to motivate all of us.  Details about this lively and empowering cycle are in the new video and on a recent radio show I did with Kristy Ayala.  I hope that you’re beginning to feel the inspiration and I wish you a productive and happy cycle ahead.  Also, happy birthday to our Aries subscribers!!

From The Oracle
Sacral Chakra

Take back your power and release all that limits you. Your creativity and passion are on fire, and you are ready to thrive.


 You have successfully navigated your way through a period of darkness and are now ready to experience a whole new level of abundance, joy, and freedom. All cords to sources of envy, resentment, and negativity are being severed. Trust the process of change that is now unfolding in your life. Your talents have been honed, and you are ready to shine like a beacon to others. Infinite power is flowing through you, so own it, and shine your Light.


Sing out loud! While many might consider this a fifth or throat-chakra exercise, the second, or sacral, chakra’s role in our expression cannot be underestimated. Neither can the profound power of raising one’s voice. When the second chakra is working properly, money flows; we attract healthy relationships (especially our intimate ones); and we have a positive, patient outlook on life.  Singing dispels negative energy, tones the body, and activates transcendence. “This Little Light of Mine” is an excellent choice for your musical expression.


It is 100 percent safe for me to be my most powerful and creative self right now.
I Can Do It Denver

Join Radleigh and your other favorite Hay House authors at I Can Do It in Denver from  April 24-26th. 
Win An Autographed Deck Of Angel Cards

Especially for Elizabeth’s Oracle subscribers. Radleigh Valentine has generously autographed copies of all four of the Angel card decks he co-authored with Dr. Doreen Virtue, and you can win one.  I'll be selecting a winner from those of you who read this newsletter, with extra chances to win given to those who like and share it.  Each deck comes with a personal message from Radleigh, along with a full set of these beautiful, inspiring and accurate cards.  I’ll be drawing one name per month every month from now through the Sun Into Aries edition.  Congratulations to Susan in Wisconsin who won last month's prize, the Guardian Angel Tarot deck.   Here are details on this month’s gift.

Archangel Power Tarot Cards

You'll feel driven to move forward with positive life changes, with the help of the archangels who guide you in the Archangel Power Tarot Cards. It's not enough to receive answers - you also need courage, motivation and empowerment to take steps based on those answers. Now you can receive accurate guidance in a gentle way and get the confidence to act upon it! Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine created this 78-card deck for highly sensitive people who need encouragement to put their Divine messages into action. These cards retain the magic of traditional tarot, with beautiful and inspiring words and imagery. The accompanying guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct trustworthy tarot readings for yourself and others.

Sun Into Aries 2015: Just Do It
    The Sun moves into the cardinal fire sign of Aries on March 20th. There it will meet up with the moon, South Node, Uranus and Mars.  Members of this enlivening Aries stellium will mix it up with Jupiter and Saturn, in fellow fire signs, throughout a cycle which also features two total eclipses.  Offering some grounding and tranquility will be a procession of personal planets traveling through earthy Taurus.  In this video, I explain the Sun cycle ahead.
    Alright y'all, the messages that have coalesced for this cycle are pretty clear, sacral chakra, Archangel Power and constant Aries stelliums throughout nearly all of the cycle ahead.  I hope that the energy provides you with the clarity, passion and stamina to take charge and do what needs to be done, now.  Remember to balance the fire with the earthy Taurus and healing Pisces resources that are also on tap from the heavens.  We'll see you when the Sun moves into the home of the Bull.

With love,
Ps: You can always read back issues in your favorite browser by clicking here