McIntyre Elder Law

We want to keep subscribers up to date on cutting edge issues happening in elder law and help them protect their assets and legacies.

Disability Insurance

Published: Mon, 07/25/22

McIntyre Financial Report: Disability Insurance Appro imately 1/2 the work force has no protection against becoming temporarily or worse, permanently…

would you please?

Published: Sat, 07/23/22

Please leave us a review... We are intent on serving our clients and protecting their hard-earned money and property. We strive for the best outcome…

Out with the Old… In With the New...

Published: Thu, 07/21/22

"Out with the Old… In With the New..." I keep all kind of stuff. I have the most awesome baseball glove sitting on a shelf in my basement. I can see…

what are the benefits of a Ladybird Deed?

Published: Tue, 07/19/22

By now, you have probably heard of the Ladybird Deed, and if you haven't then keep on reading to learn about the benefits of a Ladybird Deed and how…

Is Your Legacy Leaving A Tax Burden?

Published: Thu, 07/07/22

HOME | SERVICES | EVENTS | BLOG Many people are under the false assumption that when they pass their loved ones will receive a large ta bill in the…

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