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Moon Venus Clash, Enhanced By Pluto

Published: Tue, 04/30/24

Updated: Tue, 04/30/24

Midday, the moon will ingress into Aquarius to conjoin Pluto and square the sun and Venus. There are a million ways to read this, but the moon Venus…

Quirky Shifts, Not Necessarily Above Board

Published: Mon, 04/29/24

Updated: Mon, 04/29/24

The moon in Capricorn trines Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus today. Could be interesting and disruptive. Venus is in her home sign, Taurus... squaring…

Stock Market / Currency / Banking Event

Published: Sun, 04/28/24

Updated: Sun, 04/28/24

The moon in Capricorn will enjoy support from stelliums in Taurus and Pisces over the ne t couple of days. It's calm and stable, assuming you're in…

Compartmentalized, But Good News Letter

Published: Fri, 04/26/24

I love the moon in Sagittarius which won't clash with planets in Pisces until tomorrow. But what strikes me about this chart is the cluster of…

Taut, Primal & Productive

Published: Wed, 04/24/24

The Scorpio moon /Pluto square is breaking up as the moon begins to oppose Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Meanwhile, the sun in Taurus, is still tied…

Skip Being Petty In This Current Scenario

Published: Sat, 04/20/24

Saturn in Pisces opposed the moon in Virgo yesterday, dragging it down and draining productivity. The challenge continues today, as the moon faces off…

Rumblings Are Everywhere

Published: Thu, 04/18/24

Regarding the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, I have thought all along it would play in the financial markets. Digital currency/Uranus in Taurus? Shocking…

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