
Heads Up from Elsa is a free newsletter covering astrological themes of the day

Meandering Through A Lightning Storm

Published: Sat, 01/27/24

Uranus is now direct. Someone asked if things might speed up now. I think so, but they will also continue to meander due to the planets in Pisces. The…

Winners & Losers

Published: Fri, 01/26/24

Lots of energy out there as e pected. At this point there are three things to look at. If you can put these things together, you win! First, we've got…

Drama, Baby! Bam! Boom! Kapow!

Published: Wed, 01/24/24

We're picking up the pace, can you feel it? I chock this up to the sun and Pluto in Aquarius, squaring Jupiter as we head towards the Black Comedy…

Pushy vs Stubborn & If My Site Goes Down...

Published: Mon, 01/22/24

The day has been a lot more stressful than I anticipated. Must be that Mutable T-square. The sun Pluto clash with Jupiter in Taurus hasn't been fun…

Recipe For Success At This Time

Published: Sun, 01/21/24

Two days ago, we had seven bodies in Earth signs. Today, the sun, moon and Pluto are in Air signs. You can really feel the difference. Whether this…

Blood Pumping Fun!

Published: Thu, 01/18/24

I'm e cited about Pluto's ingress into Aquarius. It's got my blood pumping in spite of all the annoying things I am dealing with right now. I am super…

Anticipation: New Game 'Bout To Drop

Published: Mon, 01/15/24

The moon in Pisces will conjoin Venus and square Neptune today. You may feel drained or disillusioned. Some will have a day of pining, and I don't say…

German Cowboy & Various

Published: Sat, 01/13/24

Mercury will leave Sagittarius this evening. This is this the last chance to pontificate, confidently for some period of time. It's all about the big…

Nonconformist, Beautiful Mind

Published: Fri, 01/12/24

The moon in Aquarius will square Jupiter today, you may not feel like conforming. Later this evening and tomorrow, the moon will pick up a square to…

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