
Published: Wed, 04/25/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

April 25, 2012
Cayenne -Barbara Parshley MH

My favorite herb changes quite frequently. Today it happens to be cayenne. In the Family Herbalist course, a course I highly recommend to all, we learned how it would stop a bloody nose almost immediately. Given my grandchildren are around frequently, I had the opportunity to try this remedy. My granddaughter had a bloody nose for about 10 minutes before she came to share that information with me. I was new to the Family Herbalist course at the time, so I thought I would try putting a little cayenne into water.  She drank the water and the nose that had been profusely bleeding, stopped before the glass of cayenne water was finished.
Today, about two years after this first experiment with cayenne, I was using a rotary cutter to cut the many yards of material I use for quilting. I have done this for years, but today, for the first time, the rotary cutter came close to taking off much of my left index finger. Oh, did it bleed! I immediately ran it under water allowing it to bleed freely to clean the cut. Then it occurred to me - "I have cayenne in my Herbal First Aid Kit!" I wrapped the finger in paper towels in order to go get the kit. The towels were soaked in blood before I made it from the kitchen to the bathroom, one door away. This concerned my granddaughter and she suggested going to a hospital. I thought, "No, I need to get to the cayenne."
And so I did. I opened up the container of powdered cayenne, wondering if it was going to sting horrendously. (I had previously used too much in a nasal wash, and though it took care of the sinus infection rather quickly, I remembered to dilute it more the following time I used it.)  I sprinkled the cayenne onto the finger and it didn't sting! Sprinkling cayenne on to this open wound, felt just fine! Of course the bleeding stopped quite quickly. I was thrilled with my new experiment. Then I decided that as long as I had the opportunity, I would proceed with my second experiment. I retrieved some of my powdered BF&C (with the comfrey), added cayenne to it for good measure, and moistened it with X-ceptic. Since the gash was large enough, I put the poultice on only half of the gash on the finger and bandaged the whole finger.
It was amazing! Two days later, the section of the finger where I put the poultice has healed, there isn't even any bruising! The other section is healing, but is still a separated wound. The BF&C certainly added to the healing of the gash and is now a favorite herbal combination. However, the amazing properties of cayenne that stopped this rather excessive bleeding so quickly and without stinging, made cayenne my favorite herb for the day.
Barbara Parshley lives in Aurora, Colorado, and received her MH in June of 2011 from the School of Natural Healing. She periodically teaches classes in Herbology in Aurora Colorado.

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Spicy Strawberry Salsa
2 cups strawberries, chopped
1 T lime juice or 3 drops lime essential oil
2-4 sprigs of mint, finely chopped
1/4 tsp. salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper
It may be necessary to add a drizzle of honey or agave to balance the tart and sweet flavors of this dish. Combine all the ingredients, let sit a couple minutes and eat.
Recipe is taken from Faves by Melissa Chappell.

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