I Can Open a Door by Myself!

Published: Wed, 07/25/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

July 25, 2012
I Can Open a Door by Myself!  -Barbara Parshley MH 
A bit ago, I finally had to confront some long term serious pain in my arm and shoulder. I often had no use of my right arm and hand - sometimes I couldn't even open a door. It turned out I had a compressed disc in my neck and a partially torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder. 
 Finally, I put a fomentation of Dr. Christopher's Bone, Flesh and Cartilage formula, (BF &C) on my neck and shoulder. In one day, the pain was tremendously reduced, frankly about gone! Though the pain was gone, I knew it wasn't healed. Whenever I went to use my right arm the weakness remained and certain movements were still painful. It took time and creativity to keep a fomentation on my shoulder and neck for long periods of time but generally I was able to accomplish it throughout the day on some days, only nights on others. It took time to accomplish complete healing, but I now have total use of my arm again, without the recommended cortisone shots in my shoulder. I have no idea what a Doctor would have done for the compressed disc in the neck. I never asked that question.
I have found many opportunities to share Bone, Flesh and Cartilage with others to help them also. A friend, who is a doctor, injured his knee. He had been walking around on this very painful swollen knee for three weeks before I heard about it. Ironically, he didn't want to go to his doctor! So I shared with him what I would have done if I had such an injury and he agreed to try it. He took a day off and kept a fomentation on his knee. Nervously, I called a day later to find out how he was doing. He said that overnight he had a 70% improvement! Since he had a comfrey plant in his yard, he continued to keep it on his knee which allowed him to walk and continue working. In the end, he did choose to finish up the healing with some minor outpatient surgery, but he knew the BF &C and the separate use of comfrey, was a tremendous help until that point.
Another friend broke and dislocated multiple bones in his foot. This injury was sure to take many painful months to heal. He too, faced surgery as the injury was quite severe - bones were not even where they belonged! He agreed to try fomentations of BF &C because the pain was more than he was willing to deal with. He is not into the concept of using herbs but was willing to try, once. Well once was all it took for him to realize how much the fomentation reduced his pain. He used this fomentation over a period of several months. He was very surprised that he did not need surgery in the end. Gosh, maybe herbs work!
I have come to love Dr. Christopher's herbal combination Bone, Flesh and Cartilage. The benefits are tremendous! Every time I order herbs and may need just that little bit to round out my order, I add Bone, Flesh and Cartilage for my long term storage.
Barbara Parshley lives in Aurora, Colorado, and received her MH in June of 2011 from the School of Natural Healing. She periodically teaches classes in Herbology in Aurora Colorado.
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Self-Reliance Expo
Arlington Texas- July 26-28

Raw Zucchini Spaghetti

2 zucchini or yellow squash, made into pasta (spiralized, grated, or cut into very thin strips)
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 cup sundried tomatoes (soak in warm water if too hard and dry)
1 cup basil leaves
1 garlic clove
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1 date
Fresh cracked black pepper and salt to taste
Place sauce ingredients into a food processor and blend until well combined.  Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss zucchini noodles with marinara and top with more black pepper and crushed chili flakes. 
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