The Power to Heal Itself is a Hallmark of a Healthy Body

Published: Wed, 08/22/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

August 22, 2012
The Power to Heal Itself is a Hallmark of a Healthy Body
-Dr. Christopher Chapman

Several months ago, a young woman, whom we shall call Maggie, visited me in my clinic seeking relief from her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. She was divorced, and the mother of 2 children, and she had been diagnosed several years earlier by her neurologist. Her doctor had confirmed his diagnosis through an MRI which showed characteristic lesions in the brain which are typically associated with MS. While searching the Internet looking for answers, Maggie had read about an Italian study which showed that a very specialized form of chiropractic had put MS patients into remission--so, when she came across my blog and discovered that I specialized in this form of chiropractic, she scheduled a consultation.

We visited for nearly an hour on that first visit. I performed a series of special physical exams on her, which in part consisted of a supine leg length assessment, palpation of the suboccipital region, a test that measures how much difference in weight she was placing on one side over the other while standing, and a sophisticated posture assessment on an special instrument. All of those tests came out positive. From my exam findings, combined with her history, I recommended that she get the specialized x-rays that are required to verify if she indeed had the same problem as the patients who were helped in the Italian Study. She agreed to the x-rays, and we proceeded with the imaging procedures. Her X-ray showed that her head was indeed displaced off of its' base, the Atlas, and I diagnosed her with Atlas Subluxation. (Now, the base of the skull rests upon the top of the neck--and this area is the most susceptible to injury out of all the spinal areas. This is also where the vertebral arteries are--arteries commonly thought to be a source of injury in stroke patients. This area is also the junction were the cerebrospinal fluid leaves the cranium--therefore, there needs to be room for all this important stuff to move and flow freely through.)
Subluxated Atlas
CBCT of the Cranio-Vertebral Junction
Maggie was scheduled for the procedure the next day and when she showed up she was cautiously optimistic. I performed the procedure, and repeated the special imaging, which the day before had shown her have a severe Atlas Subluxation. The post procedural films bore good news--the subluxation had been completely removed with that initial procedure. She then spent the next hour in recovery letting her neck muscles and the rest of her body adjust to the new alignment. I gave her my recommendation for protecting the restored position of her head and neck and asked her to visit me again in several days. She scheduled her appointments as I had prescribed. On the day she was scheduled for her check-up, she did not show up. My guest relations' staff member called her---no answer. This went on for the next scheduled appointments. It seems Maggie had dropped off the face of the planet. Then, nearly two months later, I received a cryptic message: "Dr. Chapman, last night I heard a major pop in my neck, and all my symptoms are coming back--do you think I lost my alignment?" After a pause, I said, "OK, yes, you probably lost your alignment.... how have you been doing since the procedure?" She apologized for missing the appointments, but said that every single one of her symptoms had disappeared, and that she had made an appointment with her neurologist to see what was up with that. I scheduled her personally, and when she showed up for her appointment, I determined that she had indeed slipped back into her subluxated pattern. I repeated the same corrective procedure and, once again, she was almost immediately better.

Over the next several weeks, I monitored her, finding that she was holding the correction quite well, but slipping out only slightly by the end of week two. Time came for her appointment with her neurologist and once again, I did not see her for nearly four weeks... When she did call to reschedule, I had a most touching visit with her. She told me that her neurologist had ordered another MRI and that he reported that there must had been some sort of mistake, because the lesions that were formerly present were not seen on her most recent MRI. She then broke down into tears and thanked me for "giving her, her life back" -- I was touched beyond words. Once again, I felt immense gratitude for the gift of knowledge that had come to me--largely through the diligence and hard work of other doctors whose shoulders I stand upon.

But the real question is: "What is going on?" Why have the upper cervical spine and those corrective procedures that resolve misalignments in that area, not risen as the most important healing modality in the world? Where is the communication breaking down? Why would a highly trained specialist such as a neurologist rather default to the opinion that there was something wrong with the initial MRI rather than acknowledge the near miraculous changes on a follow-up one that clearly showed no lesions? I believe the answer is: there is simply no place to put this kind of healing in the medical paradigm! ....and THAT is as astounding as it is cynical! I believe that something in Maggie's body changed after the correction... something that had the power to reverse the lesion in her brain, and completely alter the objective findings on her MRI. It was a miracle because we really cannot explain it. I say miracle, even though I know that the real miracle is the human body... because IT had the latent ability within it to heal even MS. What happened when we gently moved her atlas back into place? This is the question that should rise on the banners of research institutions world-wide. Instead, drug therapy has risen as the most likely treatment, and those with the money to spend are betting on that horse.

MS, like a host of other upper motor neuron lesions like ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are diseases that are not well understood. But when miracle after miracle happens by correcting the atlas subluxation, it is reasonable to conclude that it is no longer a miracle--rather, it is a natural phenomenon. It is time that another horse entered the race for solving the health problems of the world besides the very lucrative drug therapy pony. There is something essential and healing about restoring the "right" position of the head on the neck that creates the right environment for even the toughest and most enigmatic conditions to resolve... When an environment for healing is established in the body--healing happens.

Questions and comments welcome.

Dr. Chapman heads the Chapman Clinic for Spinal Epigenetics, and has a private practice in Provo, Utah. He lectures frequently to multidisciplinary audiences around the country on Atlas Subluxation and Malocclusion and is exploring new and better technologies for its correction and stabilization. Telephone consultations are available through scheduling at the CCSE @ 801.655.1801

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Pita Pockets
Contributed by Traci Law
1 cup peeled and diced cucumber
1 cup diced red bell pepper
1 cup diced zucchini
1/4 cup diced red onions
1/4 cup chopped black olives
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
1 T. fresh lemon Juice
1 t. apple cider vinegar
1 t. dried Oregano (or 1 T. fresh Oregano)
Sea salt
Black Pepper
3 6-inch whole-wheat pita breads, cut in half
6 curly leaf lettuce leaves

1-Combine the cucumber, red bell pepper, zucchini, red onions, olives, olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar and oregano in a large bowl, and toss to mix.  Season with sea salt and pepper.
2- Line each pita half with a lettuce leaf.
3- Fill with salad mixture and enjoy!
Tip for sack lunches: Put on ice to keep cool, keep the salad filling in a Tupperware container and keep the lettuce separate from the bread. Nobody likes a soggy pita!

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