Back to School

Published: Wed, 08/15/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

August 15, 2012  
 Back to School  -Jo Francks MH 
With school starting comes the question "Should I vaccinate my child so he can enter public school?" This is a question that many parents are concerned about.  Many mothers are saying "I just don't feel good about vaccinations for my child."  
 Mothers' intuition is a valued gift and should be heeded when the health of a child is important to her. We've been told for years that vaccinations are necessary and safe for our children but it's hard to keep track anymore of all they are vaccinating for.  A parent who is uninformed about what vaccinations are given may say that the doctor knows best and allow multiple vaccinations to be given to the child within a few minutes.  We don't always contract multiple illnesses at once.  It's usually one at a time and our immune system goes to work to help us through that illness.  When multiple illnesses in the form of vaccines are injected into the bloodstream, bypassing all of the body's defense systems, the immune system gets overloaded.  Some of these vaccines are given to newborns just minutes after birth.  None of the illnesses vaccinated for are deadly and when vaccinations were introduced the illnesses were already on a decline due to better sanitation and nutrition.
Most states have an exemption form a parent can fill out so the child can enter school without having the vaccines. These forms can be obtained from the local health department.  Exemptions may include medical, religious or personal reasons.  Schools can't keep a child out for not having vaccinations, unfortunately that information is not usually provided to the parents.  Please educate yourselves on the safety of vaccinations and then make an informed decision and not a blind one.
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The Complete Works of Dr. John R. Christopher
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The Complete Herbal Writings of Dr. John R. Christopher, the founder of The School of Natural Healing, contains the full writings of Dr. Christopher's publications in an electronic format (HTML, which is also what the Internet uses).

You can search through every word on the disk or use one of the Index Pages to help you easily and quickly find information on ailments, herbs, and products.

Disc contains:

*The School of Natural Healing's 100 Herb Syllabus

*School of Natural Healing
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*Every Woman's Herbal
*An Herbal Legacy of Courage
*Dr. Christopher's Newsletters
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Homemade Peanut Butter

1 lb (16 oz) roasted peanuts; plain, salted, honey roasted
Run the peanuts in a food processor for about 5 minutes. No additional oil needed. Stop the processor and scrape down the sides as needed. As the nuts process and are warmed by the motor the natural oil will be released. Don't panic when it starts to resemble dough, just give it a couple more minutes. Once the peanuts are to the smooth consistency of your liking you can flavor it with honey, vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa powder or anything you chose. 

For a different take on the brown bag PB&J, replace the J with fresh fruit like sliced strawberries, bananas, mango, apple, raspberries etc. then drizzle with honey. Or you can replace the bread with a spouted tortilla and send a small container of honey or pure maple syrup for dipping. Your kids will love the change!
Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 weeks.

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