Lessons Learned From Two Emergencies

Published: Wed, 08/29/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

August 29, 2012

Lessons Learned From Two Emergencies
By Anita Call, MH, Dip.H.Ir.
The first emergency happened to me. I sliced open my thumb with a knife. The wound was fairly deep and bled quite a bit. I called a couple of my children to go and find me some herbs and essential oils in my bedroom. Needless to say, they couldn't find the items I needed for my wound. I bandaged my thumb firmly to stop the bleeding, and went to look for the items myself. I found the items needed to prevent infection and put them into the wound. X-Ceptic and Essential oils are great to prevent infection. I began putting on the Beauty Facial Cream several times a day (or use the Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment) and within ten days the wound was completely healed with no scar. 
The second emergency happened to a friend of mine who lives in my area. She was cleaning her house and knelt down on a large darning needle that was hidden in the rug, which embedded in her knee. She was able to get the needle out of her knee, but within a few hours her knee and leg all the way down to her foot were quite swollen. Infection had set into her leg and knee, and she was in too much pain to get off the chair she was sitting in and she could barely walk. She called me looking for some plantain. Plantain is a good herb for blood poisoning and will reduce swelling and inflammation. I again scrambled around looking for my supplies and finally found some of them and rushed over to her house. She was making a poultice of BF&C and using it on her knee. I explained to her that we needed to get the infection out of the knee before we should start to heal it with the BF&C. The infection always needs to be dealt with first to prevent the infection spreading throughout the body. I started by first putting on the Black Ointment at the location where the needle penetrated the skin and left it on for about thirty minutes to draw out any infection. Then we wiped that off, and started putting on the Stings and Bites ointment, since that is all that I could find containing Plantain in the minutes I had to grab my supplies. We applied X-Ceptic, Garlic Oil, and essential oils along with the plantain every fifteen to twenty minutes all over the knee and on the bottom of the foot for infection. At the same time, I had her take the Lymphatic Formula orally about every twenty minutes. After about an hour and a half, the swelling had gone down considerably and the pain had greatly decreased. I left the Stings and Bites Ointment and Lymphatic Formula with her, and she continued to use them for the next twenty-four hours. When the infection was completely gone, she then used the Complete Tissue and Bone formula to finish healing the knee and any damage done by the needle within the knee.
Dr. Christopher has shared several accounts of using plantain to heal. He states "We had a man come to us for help who had blood poisoning. Red streaks were running up his arm; he had a large lump under the arm pit, and he was in extreme pain. His fingers were swollen so large that his hands were spread wide. We simply bruised some leaves of the plantain herb, made them into a poultice and applied it over the entire arm. Within twenty-four hours the fingers were normal, the lump was gone, and the tell-tale red line had entirely disappeared. The herb had drawn the poison completely out." [SNH p.54]
The lesson learned from these two experiences is to always have ready an Herbal First Aid Kit along with the book, Herbs to the Rescue by Kurt King. When there is an emergency, we can be prepared to respond quickly instead of scrambling around looking for the items needed to help in the emergency. My children will be able to find the kit and use it. We will be ready for whatever emergency may come our way!
Anita Call is a Master Herbalist, a graduate of The School of Natural Healing, and is a Diplomate in Holistic Iridology from the International Institute of Iridology. She is also studying to become a Certified Aromatherapist and a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist (CRTS).

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Sore Throat Remedy

1 Tbls. honey
3 cloves minced garlic
1/8-1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper (40,000 IU)
Mix and take as needed.
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