The GIFT of Natural Healing

Published: Wed, 12/12/12

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

December 12, 2012
The GIFT of Natural Healing -Marianne V. Lytle M.H.
My discovery of herbs and their ability to heal began over 20 years ago when I was a young mother with four little children. Our youngest child, then a small baby had a constant ear infection. We had her on one antibiotic after another with no success. To make matters worse, we were living in a rural community and had to travel two hours to get to a pediatrician. This meant that we had to take a day off of work every two weeks to go back and see the doctor only to be told that the problem had not been resolved.  It was at this time that my sister suggested I try giving my baby a glycerin formula of Echinacea and Yellow Dock Root. 
We used the formula consistently for two weeks and then took her back to the doctor.  We were pleased to find that the ear infections had finally gone away.  Needless to say, we were delighted with the results!  It was at this time that my eyes were opened to new ways to care for the health of my family. I began using simple herbal remedies to care for the needs of my family. I found some success, but from time to time, I still had to rely on the family doctor more than I desired.
About five years later, I found myself in Christopher's Herb Shoppe in Springville, Utah. There on the counter was an advertisement for Herbal Classes. The timing was right and my heart was ready to receive the information at hand. I signed up for the class thinking that I could use the education to benefit my family as well as others that I came in contact with. Little did I know that several years later, this education would help save my own life.
Over the years, The School of Natural Healing has been a great blessing to me and my family. I have also used the knowledge obtained there to help countless other people.  It has brought peace and security into my life as I now have confidence to take control of my own health needs as well as provide information and alternatives to others who come to me.
The knowledge I have gained has allowed me to work with my family doctor and other medical professionals in a different way. Now, I go to them for well check-ups, or perhaps a diagnosis of a problem. They are there to take tests and to guide me. They are there to give options but not to control the situation. I have found that medical doctors will respect a knowledgeable person. They may not agree with your ways, but education demands respect. I know now that I am in control of my own health.  I now have freedom to choose.
If you want to give your family the gift of health and freedom, The School of Natural Healing is a great place to start. It will put you on a journey for which you will ever be grateful. It will open new doors for you. It will fill your mind with new knowledge and insights. It will give you the ability to serve others in an abundant way, and you never know; it may even save your own life.

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Andrayas Candy

1/2 cup carob powder
1/2 cup coconut oil   
1/2 cup agave
1 cup of your favorite nut; chopped
In a medium bowl, combine carob powder, coconut oil, and agave. Fold in chopped nuts and spread into a parchment lined, 8x8 glass dish and place in the freezer. When the candy is firm and set, it can be cut and enjoyed. Store any leftovers in the freezer.
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