Feast or Famine?

Published: Wed, 03/27/13

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

March 27, 2013 
Feast or Famine?-Tara Pierce N.H.

Most Americans at one time or another have been on a diet to lose extra weight. We spend billions of dollars every year on diet products and diet programs in the hope that we will get the help and the lasting results we want. Unfortunately 2/3 or more of dieters not only gain back the weight they have lost on their diet but most end up heavier than their pre-diet weight. This happens because diet programs eliminate foods that are essential to the health and vitality of the human body; fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Depriving ourselves of one or more of these staples for long periods of time, causes the body stress, and stress causes the same chemical and hormonal imbalances as famine.
As members of the human race our bodies are hard wired with a "Feast or Famine" switch. It is a built in protection that helps us to survive in different conditions and environments. In times of stress or famine our bodies will use up the stores it has to repair cells, heal sickness and injury and perform daily tasks. However, when the time of stress or famine passes the body will replace what it has used, and depending on the severity and length of the deprivation, it will take on more to protect itself from the next famine.
Today in America we have more food available to us than ever before. Over-processed, nutrient deficient, cheap, white, food. We are over fed but starving to death and our physical and mental health is more than suffering because of it. Until the last 100 years or so, we as humans were hunters, gatherers, and gardeners, eating the most natural and nutrient packed foods available. Berries, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes were the majority of the human diet. We have lost the true understanding of what our diet really should be and what our body really needs to be healthy and happy.
If you are trying to lose weight and have struggled with diet programs, try a different approach. Stop the deprivation and feed yourself! Start by replacing the processed foods in your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes as recommended and taught by Dr. Christopher. Push out the empty calories, give your body the nutrients it needs and end the famine. When your body trusts that it is no longer in danger, it will let go of the excess and naturally cleanse in the process. You will not believe how much better you will feel and how much more energy you will have. You deserve success!  And spring is a great time to start! Take advantage of fresh local produce, fresh air and sunshine this season.
Tara Pierce is a Nutritional Herbalist and Master Herbalist student at The School of Natural Healing.

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Asparagus Soup

1 1/2 pounds asparagus
1 large leek, use the white part plus 1 inch of the green, chopped
6 cups water or stock
1 1/2 Tbls. olive oil
1 small white onion chopped
A few drops of lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

Rinse the asparagus well to remove any grit from the tips. Remove the ends of the asparagus, about 2 inches up the stalk, and discard. Remove the tips (top 1 1/2 inches) and reserve. Put the chopped leek and onion in a soup pot with the olive oil and sauté over medium heat until soft and slightly colored. Add 1 cup of water or stock and simmer for 10-12 minutes. Chop the middle sections of the asparagus, add them and the remaining water or stock to the pot and simmer partially covered for 12-15 minutes longer. Cool the soup briefly, then puree and strain if desired. Put the soup back in the pot over medium-low heat and add the asparagus tips, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Let the soup gently warm until the asparagus tips are tender crisp.

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