Startling Case of Hives

Published: Wed, 04/24/13

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

April 24, 2013
Startling Case of Hives-M. Fisher

Recently, my two year old broke out in a startling case of hives. They came out of nowhere and rapidly spread across her face and body; burning and making her skin itch. Though alarming and concerning, I assumed given my own allergies, and her recent exposure to an exotic Persian cat, that she was having an allergic reaction to the cat. My husband and I watched her closely, but decided to take her to the doctor to confirm she would be alright.

The doctors' office was frustrating as the Dr. spent very little time listening to me, or evaluating my child. He then told me that she was not having an allergic reaction, but that she had strep throat and that it was relatively common for children to break out into a rash with strep throat. A moment after he "diagnosed" her, he left, ordered the strep culture, and left me, more than a little confused. My daughter did not have a fever, nor had she complained of a sore throat.

At length, the doctor came back to tell me that the strep culture came back negative and proceeded to tell me that she had a viral infection instead. I reasserted that she did not exhibit any symptoms of an illness, and still had no fever. He insisted again that she had a viral illness, and informed me that the hives could last up to 6 weeks, and that if they had not resolved in 2 months, then I should come back. I about fell out of my chair, 6 weeks?? Not better in 2 months?? I stared in disbelief as the doctor nonchalantly left the room, and I decided that there must be a better solution. I promptly went home, cleaned car seats and clothes to get rid of any pet dander, and called my good friend Fawn Christopher. She recommended Kid-e-Soothe to calm my toddler's immune system.

We immediately gave her the Kid-e-Soothe and to my great relief, the hives went away; quickly, safely, and without any harmful side effects. I did not have to worry if she weighed enough to give her Bendadryl, Zyrtec, or any other medicine the doctor had suggested, nor did I have to worry about her becoming drowsy as a result. I did not have to wrestle her and pin her down to give her the medicine, for the Kid-e-Soothe was easy on her palette as well as her stomach. But my biggest comfort was that I did not have to worry about having my toddler covered with hives for 6-8 weeks.

After the hives had dissipated and I conducted some studious research, I have discovered that it is possible to develop a case of hives with the onset of a viral infection, but as of yet, I am unconvinced that this was the case with my daughter. Short of going back to visit the exotic cat there is no way to show who was correct. But for me, it is mostly irrelevant. I have found a product (and subsequently a whole line of products) that I can feel safe in giving my child when she is ill. I have found a solution that I can feel good about. And with the proper education and information, I can take these herbs and take care of my family.

M. Fisher is a mother of two, and a new Student in the School of Natural Healing.

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In Celebration of 60 years!!

The School of Natural Healing

Would like you to join us for an

Open House

Thursday May 9th from 4-7 P.M.
Come and see our brand new location in Springville Utah!
 198 South Main on the third floor (above Magelby's)
Please enter through the door on 200 south.
We will be giving away 3 sets of books (School of Natural Healing and Herbal Syllabus) and 2 Family Herbalist courses
Refreshments will be served
(catering by Gingers Café)

Fruited Pasta

1 8oz bow tie pasta or homemade pasta*
8 cups assorted fresh fruit, cut into bite sized chunks
1 recipe Orange Dressing (below)

Cook pasta according to package directions. Rinse and combine with cut up fruit in large bowl. Pour dressing over fruit and pasta, toss well. Chill and serve. If using bananas, add just before serving.
*Pasta can be replaced with a whole grain such as barley or brown rice.
Orange Dressing
3 oranges, juiced
1-3 Tbls. Ultra Gel

Wire whip Ultra Gel into juice 1 a time, until desired thickness.
Recipe taken from Original Fast Foods by James and Colleen Simmons

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