Hooray for Whole Oat Groats!

Published: Wed, 04/17/13

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

April 17, 2013  
Hooray for Whole Oat Groats! -Doreen Spackman MH

Love the spring! I just got back from a bike ride and I am enjoying a bowl of whole oat groats with red quinoa and chia seed for breakfast, YUM! Whole oat groats are the grain with the outer husk removed, (I think horses like the husk but I prefer it removed). They look similar to kernels of wheat, but what you don't see packed in the tiny seed, is the fiber-rich bran, the nutritious germ, and the endosperm all intact. Each of these layers provide important nutrients, are low in fat, and cholesterol free. Oats have been linked to assisting diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar levels, lowering risk of heart disease, certain cancers and many other health problems.

The fiber is both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber which dissolves in water assists with lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) as it moves through the digestive tract. In fact researchers have found just 2 servings of oats a week for 6 weeks can lower your LDL by 5.6%. The insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water so it absorbs many times its weight as it moves through the digestive tract, reducing carcinogens and keeping the bowels moving for easier elimination.

If you are concerned about getting more nutrition into your daily diet, consider this. Oat groats are a great whole food source that is high in protein, omega 3 and omega 6, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper manganese and selenium, plus vitamin E, K, and B's. With this little wonder kernel there is no need to get isolated vitamins and minerals through supplements. You can give a big boost to your nutrition and keep a steady flow of energy as you enjoy whole oat groats. Remember to low heat them so you can receive all of the nutrients possible.

The low heating method explained by Dr. Christopher in his 3 Day Cleanse and Mucusless Diet book is essential to retaining nutrients and changing grains from an acid to an alkaline state. Low heating has been so beneficial to those who have digestive problems because they have previously boiled the grains as most people are taught to do. As a result they have experienced a great deal of discomfort. When they use the thermos method the important nutrients are saved and they have no problems at all, in fact, they have felt more energized and eat it daily for more vitality.

Unlike oatmeal, whole oat groats are the real deal and are a gluten free option for enjoying grains.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day!

The history of oats is fascinating! Did you know that oat seeds were found in the Egyptian tombs 2000 B.C? If you would like to read more about the history of oats please follow this link.

Doreen Spackman is a Master Herbalist graduate and employee of the School of Natural Healing. Doreen enjoys helping others learn to rebuild and restore their bodies with wholesome food. Through classes and private consultations, they can enjoy ultimate and complete health. To contact Doreen please visit www.liveyourlifenaturally.com

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We will be giving away 3 sets of books (School of Natural Healing and Herbal Syllabus) and 2 Family Herbalist courses
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Oat Groats and Quinoa (gluten free)
By Doreen Spackman

In the evening-
In a wide mouth thermos;
1.    Fill 1/3 full of oat groats plus 1- 2 TBLS red quinoa (for a 17oz. thermos use ½ cup oat groats and 1 Tbs. of red quinoa, for a 24oz. thermos use 1 cup oat groats and 2 Tbs. of red quinoa)
2.    Fill the rest of the thermos with boiling distilled water. Screw on the lid and shake back and forth for 20 seconds and let set on counter overnight.
In the morning-
Take the grain out of the thermos; I usually get 2 -3 servings from a 17 oz. thermos.

For each serving add:
1-2 tsp. of chia seed
Honey, agave, maple syrup, or stevia (not the white stuff) and sweeten to taste
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 apple cored and diced
1/2 banana sliced- optional
1/4 c raisins-optional
 Milk-almond, rice, or organic soy

You can add your favorite fresh fruit that is in season or dried fruit. There is no limit on the flavor or variety of your breakfast cereal.
Have a Happy and Healthy Day!

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