Digestive Fire

Published: Wed, 01/15/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

January 15, 2014
Digestive Fire
Dr. Christopher taught that to combat constipation and keep your bowels healthy, exercise is an essential part. On page 34 of Dr. Christopher's Guide to Colon Health, he states:
The exercises that are of the greatest value in cases of constipation are those which bring into strong action the muscles of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles are generally weak and relaxed, and the intra-abdominal pressure is consequently low.
By appropriate exercise the weak muscles may be strengthened, the intra-abdominal pressure may be raised and the colon may be thus enabled to contract with sufficient impetus to expel it contents. 
I recently learned of a great exercise that will build the digestive fire, strengthen the abdominal muscles and keep your bowels moving. It is an Ayurveda technique called Agnisar Dhouti. In Sanskrit, agni means fire and dhouti means "to cleanse". This technique only takes a minute or two a day and the benefits are great.  It creates purification of the bowels by increasing the movement of air in the fire region of the middle abdomen. It is a pumping action of the abdomen which is much like blowing into the firebox to intensify the combustion of the fire.
This technique is best done on an empty stomach early in the morning and ideally after the bowels have been emptied. A good goal is to strive for 30 pumps per round and to do 3 rounds.
So here is how to do it:
1-Stand with your legs slightly apart and knees bent. You may place your hands on your knees to support your torso. Your back should be straight and abdominal muscles relaxed.
2-Inhale deeply through your nose.
3-Exhale through your mouth, keeping your head slightly bent forward. Looking at your stomach.
4-Pull your stomach in and upwards.
5-Hold your breath and flap your abdomen back and forth (pull/relax; pull/relax) 10-12 times or as many times as you can while holding your breath, working up to the 30.
6-Release your stomach and inhale deeply. This is one round.
7-Breath normally until you feel rested and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds
Some of the benefits of Agnisar Dhouti are stimulating the immune system, improving digestion, strengthening the abdominal organs such as the spleen, kidneys, liver and intestines. Plus it provides relief from chronic constipation. Little effort, big benefits! Give it a try and build the fire!
Mishelle Knuteson is certified in Rapid Eye Technology (RET) an emotional release therapy, teaches classes in The Art of Feminine Presence and a Master Herbalist ~ graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Mishelle currently works as an Educative Master Herbalist (MH) for The School of Natural Healing and as Office Manager of Christopher Publications.

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Favorite Chai

4 slices fresh organic Ginger root
2 organic Cinnamon sticks
8-10 whole organic Cloves
8-10 whole organic Cardamom pods
1/4 tsp. organic whole Black or White 
Dash of homemade or organic Vanilla Extract
2 TBSP Black Tea (organic English Breakfast, Ceylon, or Assam) or, make a decaffeinated version by substituting Red or Honeybush Tea
Organic Honey to taste
2 cups water
2 cups organic milk or a milk substitute
Lightly crush Cinnamon sticks and Cardamom Pods. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and add all spices. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 5 minutes or longer, stirring occasionally. Add milk and allow it to heat up, then remove from the stove and add vanilla and honey. Strain and enjoy!

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