Cedar (Juniperus monosperma)

Published: Wed, 01/08/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

January 8, 2014
Cedar (Juniperus monosperma) -Tara Pierce H
Traditionally, Cedar (as it is commonly known around here) has been used by native peoples to treat dandruff, as an aid in childbirth, reduce swelling in sprains and bruises, influenza, headache, and used as an emetic. Today the medicinal uses seem to focus toward the pancreas and have helped many people balance their blood sugar whether high (diabetes) or low (hypoglycemia). 
Dr. Christopher discovered this accidently with the help of a patient who was having trouble voiding his urine. Dr. Christopher advised him to take Juniper berries, fresh or made into a tea, and he would be helped. Weeks later the man returned and said that the Juniper berries had been no help to him. After examining the berries it was discovered that he had been using Cedar berries which are similar in looks to the juniper but contain only one seed (monosperma) where juniper berries contain 5-7 seeds. Dr. Christopher got the man some Juniper berries for his ailment but upon thanking Dr. Christopher the man told him he would continue to use the cedar berries because he had been able to cut down on the use of insulin for his diabetes. Dr. Christopher was astounded and excited! He had the man increase the amount of cedar berries he was using and within a few months his pancreas was healed and producing its own insulin.
My husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 7 years ago at age 36. It used to be rare to find a type 1 over the age of 30 but due to the increase of auto immune diseases it is on the rise. After reading the story stated above, we decided to experiment with Cedar berries and see what effect it had on his insulin use. I had also read that fresh ground flax seed has been found to reduce insulin use so we decided to use them both together. Two weeks ago he started taking 12 cedar berries and 2 Tbls. of flax seed each day. He grinds them together each morning (Nutri-Bullet) and takes 1/2 of the mixture in the morning and the other 1/2 at night. Just by adding this mixture to his daily routine for only two weeks he is down by 5 units a day! 
Other important things to do for diabetics:
1-Mucusless Diet to cleanse and nourish the entire body and aid in weight loss.
2-Distilled water to flush built up waste.
3-Lower bowel formula (working up through the extended herbal cleanse).
4-Pancreas formula to stimulate and heal the pancreas.
5-Glandular formula to support all the glands in the body and help them work together better.
6-Immucalm formula (type 1) to help calm and "reprogram" the immune system so it stops attacking cells that are not a threat. At the same time this will also help heal and strengthen the immune system so you are not left vulnerable to invaders.
Tara Pierce is a Certified Herbalist and Master Herbalist Student at The School of Natural Healing.

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Ginger Syrup
This tasty remedy may help relieve motion sickness and stomach distress, colds, coughs, the effects of overeating and other maladies. It makes a sweet treat when spread on toast.
1 large piece fresh ginger root
1-Peel and grate a large piece of fresh finger root and put it in a pan. Add enough honey to barely cover.
2-Simmer over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes, until ginger is soft and honey tastes strongly of ginger. Strain ginger from honey if you wish, but it's generally a mess, as honey doesn't strain easily. It's much simpler to leave the ginger in the syrup, as it's soft and adds texture and flavor. 
3-Pour syrup into a glass jar. It will last refrigerated for several weeks.
4-To use: Take 1 tablespoon for a cold, stomach cramps and menstrual discomfort. Or add 2-3 tablespoons to 1 cup of hot water for tea.

Recipe taken from Mother Earth Living November/December 2013 issue.

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