Hope For Depression

Published: Wed, 03/12/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

March 12, 2014
Hope For Depression-Mishelle Knuteson M.H.
I have been alarmed at the rate that people are taking their own lives. It just seems so much more common these days than I have ever noticed before. It saddens me a great deal. I know the toll that challenges can take in my own life and those that suffer from mental or emotional disorders may not have the knowledge or skills to cope when faced with difficult situations in their life. I am a proponent of positive thinking, yet I understand these mental and emotional maladies can create a hole deep within us that is debilitating and extremely hard for some to escape from. 
To assist and help those around us with these tendencies, it is important that we are aware of changes in their behavior and appearance and respond quickly. Notice body language - are their shoulders slumped over more than usual, are they not taking care of their hygiene or nutrition or just shutting down, are they isolating themselves, are they using language such as, "I can't take this anymore,"  or  "they would be better off without me," etc.
People can get so discouraged and lost. If we can pick up on these subtle changes mentioned above, it can allow more of an opportunity to assist and help. People struggling with depression need to know that they belong to someone or something bigger than themselves. They need to be aware that people care about them. They need to understand that they have a support system and that there is a place and purpose for them. Don't assume that they know how important they are to you, tell them frequently. Further, tell them specifically how they support you. 
Creating a plan for life gives hope and direction. Understanding that hope is never lost and miracles do occur can propel someone forward in the difficult moments. It is vital that people have something to look forward to in the future and to have a purpose for each day. This helps to bring the hope it takes to endure through the difficult times. Writing each day helps a person express and get things out that may be locked inside. Writing about hopes, future plans and people that are important can elicit self-encouragement and keep the purpose of life alive. Just the simple act of smiling will change a person's energetic make up in the moment.  Expressions of gratitude for the simple things found in daily life can change a person's outlook - even if it is just expressing gratitude that you can breath and your heart is beating. Fatigue is often a catalyst to more serious problems so make sure there is a plan for rest, relaxation and replenishing. If we do not take the time to be well, we will most certainly be given the time to be ill. 
Believe it or not, intestinal issues are closely related to mental issues. Research has been done that demonstrates a direct connection between the "gut/brain axis", so adding probiotics to a daily regime may almost act as an antidepressant in many of these situations. Approximately 80-90% of the human body's total serotonin is located in the alimentary canal (gut). Gut health once again proves to be an important center in overall health. People with behavioral and physiological illnesses need to be conscious of getting a diet rich in nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Some of Dr. Christopher formulas that may assist are Vitalherbs for nutrition, Soothing Digestion to help the alimentary canal, MindTrac to feed the brain and St John's Wort as a mood booster. I recently learned of an herb called Sceletium tortuosum, commonly called Kanna, that may also help as a booster. I will introduce you to that herb in my next newsletter.
There are natural solutions that are healing for the body and not just a bandaid. There is always hope of a better and brighter future. The School of Natural Healing is here for you, to help educate and bring healing through knowledge and truth. We are the ones that can assist our loved ones who may feel so desperate. 
Mishelle Knuteson is certified in Rapid Eye Technology (RET) an emotional release therapy, teaches classes in The Art of Feminine Presence and a Master Herbalist ~ graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Mishelle currently works as an Educative Master Herbalist (MH) for The School of Natural Healing and as Office Manager of Christopher Publications.

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New at Christopher Publications 
Maintaining Healthy Body Systems
6-CD set
By David Christopher, MH

This 6 CD set is over 6 hours of lecture material that David gave on how correct and incorrect foods affect our body systems. He gives insights on how the different systems in our body function and how we can support their natural ability to move towards wellness.

Not Tuna Pate
from Raw Food Made Easy
1/2 C soaked raw sunflower seeds
1/4 C soaked raw almonds
2 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp Lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp minced celery
1 Tbsp minced onion
1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley (cilantro is good too)
Place sunflower seeds, almonds, water lemon juice and salt in food processor fitted with the S blade and process into a paste. Stop occasionally to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Stir in celery, onion and parsley. Mix well. Stored in a sealed container, it will keep for 5 days in the refrigerator. 
For Not Salmon Pate add 1/4 C grated carrot and use 1 Tbsp minced fresh dill weed or 1 tsp dried, rather than the parsley.

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