What Causes Autism?

Published: Wed, 05/07/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

May 7, 2014

What Causes Autism? -David Christopher MH
Although Autism is multi-faceted and there are no easy answers, I have always believed answers can be found in observing large populations to determine which groups are subject to a disease and in which groups it does not occur. Looking at the entire population of the world we can observe that Autism was non-existent or so rare that it was not observed until the 1930's. The observations of those living in that time-frame was that a small segment of society was subject to autistic children and that was the segment of society that were wealthy and well educated. In the 1940's the demographic changed and autistic children were being born into middle class families. Then in the 1950's poor people were subjected to their children developing Autism. In the 1970's the rate of autism in children was 1 in 2000. By the 90's the rate had grown to 1 in 1000 and today 1 in 60 children develop autism. The Geneticists inform us that it cannot be genetically caused, it would be impossible to spread that rapidly. It must be something that we are doing as a society! So again let us observe our society and see if there is a segment of our community that is not subject to having autistic offspring. There was. 
A UPI reporter, Dan Olmsted, searched for autistic Amish children in an area of Lancaster
County in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Statistically he should have found 130 cases of Autism, instead he found none. Statisticians could attribute it to using horse and buggies instead of cars or a total rejection of electricity coming from the Grid or any number of connections. However, included in the Amish rejecting our technological society, was their wholehearted rejection of vaccines. The only difference between this community and the rest of the population, that is valid, is the rejection of our mass immunization program. The Health Department went door to door convincing this community to vaccinate their children, which they did. Now we find Autism occurring in the Amish community. 
In the1930's, only rich, informed parents could afford the vaccines, their children first suffered autism. When vaccines became more affordable the middle class vaccinated and then Autism plagued them. When Government paid for the vaccines, everyone, including the poor, was subject to Autism. The Health Department convinced the Amish to vaccinate their children and now all segments of society can suffer this prevalent disease.
Individually we can become more informed; we can reject these vaccines for our children and avoid this modern day plague. All States have exemptions, you should use them.
To learn more may I suggest the excellent book Make an Informed Vaccine Decision by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH
David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.  
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Now Available!

The Oh She Glows Cookbook

The Oh She Glows Cookbook is full of more than one hundred mouth-watering, wholesome recipes that will please non-vegans and vegans alike. The variety of colors, textures and flavors will make your mouth water and you will be satisfied both by the food and by the fact that it is so good for you! 

Mother's Day is a great time to share health and culinary joy with the women you love!

The Oh She Glows Cookbook is now available through Christopher Publications. 


 Upcoming Herb Walk

 Wednesday June 4th @ 5:30 p.m.

Cost is $40.00 per person

(Students call the school for your discounted price)

Meet at The School of Natural Healing in Springville 10 minutes prior to start time.

198 South Main; 3rd floor above Magelby's

Space is limited so call and reserve your spot today! 


Honey Granola Bars
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1 cup almonds, sliced or chopped
3 Tbls coconut oil
2/3 cup honey
1 1/2 teas vanilla
1/4 teas salt
1/2 quinoa flakes
1/2 cup dried cranberries (or dried fruit of choice)
1/2 cup chopped dates
2 Tbls chia seed
1/4 cup pumpkin seed or sunflower seed (optional)
In a large bowl combine the oats, coconut, and almonds then spread them evenly onto a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes to lightly toast (optional). In a small sauce pan warm the coconut oil, honey, vanilla and salt until melted. Return the toasted ingredients to the large bowl and add the quinoa flakes, dried cranberries, chopped dates and seeds. Toss to combine. Pour the honey mixture over the dry ingredients and stir until everything is well coated. Spread onto a parchment paper lined 9x13 cake pan and press into place with your fingers. Place in the fridge to set up for 2-3 hours or overnight. Lift the set up mixture out of the pan using the parchment paper and cut into desired size bars. Wrap them individually for a quick healthy snack.
Printable Version: http://www.herballegacy.com/


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Herbal Legacy

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