
Published: Wed, 06/18/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

June 18, 2014
Melasma -Tara Pierce H.
Melasma is a skin condition of hyperpigmentation. It is most commonly found in women, in fact 90% of cases belong to us hormone laden females. It is usually associated with estrogen and progesterone levels and can become more severe as these hormones rise and fall in excess, such as during pregnancy (Chloasma; mask of pregnancy), while taking birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapy during menopause or following a hysterectomy. Other less common causes are cosmetics, especially those with perfumes, stress, adrenal disorders, and some medications including some antibiotics, antiarrhythmics, and antimalarial drugs. Sun exposure will cause the patches to become darker making them much more noticeable during summer months and seem to fade in the winter months. 
Medical treatments include Hydroquinone, Tretinoin, corticosteroids, azelaic acid or kojic acid to lighten the skin, usually found in cream, lotion, gel or liquid form. If the problem is severe and the creams do not give the desired result doctors may recommend a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, or dermabrasion. Of course these treatments can have serious side effects causing even more health problems in the long run. Hydroquinone alone has been linked to leukemia, thyroid problems and liver damage. 
To treat this condition naturally I would recommend using Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel and Liver and Gallbladder formulas to support the liver in processing and eliminating excess estrogen in the body. To help in the removal of excess estrogen I would consume 1-3 Tbls of fresh ground flax and sunflower seeds daily, along with Dr. Christopher's Hormonal Changese Formula to give the body what it needs to produce the correct levels of needed hormones. The seeds can be added to smoothies, raw cookies, granola bars or sprinkled over your whole grain cereal and salads. If you suspect struggling adrenals, I would also add Dr. Christopher's Adrenal Formula and a good quality vitamin B supplement.
Externally, I have found that daily, gentle, exfoliation as well as a mask made from organic plain yogurt with fresh lime or lemon juice will lighten the patches effectively. Apply the mask 3-4 times per week for 20-30 minutes. Additionally I would watch your sun exposure. Avoid the hours between 10 and 2 when the sun's rays are the harshest, and if you know you are going to be spending a lot of time in the sun this summer, a good natural sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat are essential. 
Tara Pierce is a Master Herbalist student at The School of Natural Healing.

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The Oh She Glows Cookbook is now available through Christopher Publications. 


Vegan Smoked Gouda Cheese
1/2 cup raw almonds, soaked
1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked
1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp raw agave nectar
1 tsp fresh pre-made mustard 
1/2 tsp liquid smoke
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbls minced, dried onion
1 cup water
5 Tbls agar flakes or 1 1/2 Tbsp agar powder
1-After soaking the almonds and cashews, drain and rinse them. Place in a high-powered blender.
2-Add 1/2 cup water, lemon juice, agave, mustard, liquid smoke, nutritional yeast, salt, paprika, garlic powder and minced dried onion. Blend until creamy. The mixture will be thick. If you have a vitamix with a plunger, use that to keep the mixture moving. Otherwise, stop your machine occasionally to scrape the sides down.
3-Test for grittiness by rubbing it between your thumb and finger. If you feel grit, keep blending.
4-Once the cheese mixture is ready, it is time to make the agar. In a small sauce pan, bring 1 cup of water to light boil, add the agar. Stir continuously until the agar had dissolved.  This can take several minutes. Keep whisking! If it gels up in the pan, return to heat and melt it down again.
5-Start the blender and get a vortex going with the mixture. Drizzle in the agar gel and blend until combined. You will need to stay focused and move fairly quickly. Agar will start to set up as it cools.
6-Pour into mold and then place in the fridge, uncovered, for at least 30 minutes. Eat sliced or shred!
Note-I don't use anything to prepare my molds to help them release once it has set. It is good about just popping out. Keep in the fridge up to 5 days.
Recipe shared by Amie Sue at

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