Area of Specialty

Published: Wed, 07/09/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

July 9, 2014
Area of Specialty -Mishelle Knuteson M.H.
The School of Natural Healing just recently finished up the Master Herbalist Certification Seminar. The teachers who are experts in their field of study come and teach the students for their final testing to become Master Herbalists. I remember when I went through the seminar I kept sitting back, trying to absorb all that I could. I just wanted to soak up and retain all the information they taught and more. I wanted to be like them and know what they knew. I wanted to be an expert too.
I have a friend who lights your day just by a smile. I would say she is an expert smiler. When she smiles at you, you feel so special, noticed and comforted. I so want to smile like she does. One of my husband's and boys favorite TV shows is American Ninja Warrior. I watch the show with them and I look at these expert athletes with their fine-tuned, trim and well-shaped bodies. Oh how I would love to have a body like that. There is a lady in my neighborhood who is an expert of thinking of the most unique ways to help and serve people that are in need. If I could only think of the ways to serve like she does.
Most of you have heard of a person being a "jack of all trades". While growing up, that is what I considered both of my parents to be. They could make or fix just about anything and come up with really creative ideas on how to move projects forward. I wanted to be just like them and have all their "tools in my tool kit" so I could handle any situation that would come my way. I wanted to know it all, and not just know it, but be an expert in many different areas so I never came up lacking. 
At the Master Herbalist Certification Seminar, David Christopher M.H. introduced the teacher, Christopher Hobbs PHD. In the introduction David said, "Here is your chance to ask all your questions about plant chemistry you want because that is his area of specialty and don't ask me later because I probably won't know the answer." David is very adept at recognizing and understanding various maladies and figuring out what may bring the body back into balance and health, yet he knew he was not an expert at plant chemistry and he made no apologies about it. David knows his areas of specialty and he recognized Christopher Hobbs as being an expert in his area of specialty.  That made me think once again about what my area of specialty is. Do I really have to know it all to be effective? Maybe an area of specialty can be something as simple as being a great smiler. Ones areas of specialty don't always have to be backed with a PHD. 
We all have areas of specialty. We don't all have to be a jack of all trades. There is something unique to the style and way that we individually do something. Opportunities come our way to utilize our area of specialty.  Listen to what people compliment you on. Accept the compliment and don't brush it away. Sincere compliments can offer insights into what your areas of specialty may be. What is it you love to do? What comes easy to you and makes you feel happy inside? "Is it easy? Is it fun? Is it getting results? If so, it is the right thing" ~ Deepak Chopra
I may never have the body of an athlete. I may not find creative ways to serve my neighbors as often or as creatively as I would like to. I do not have the knowledge that a PHD in plant chemistry has, but I do have my areas of specialty. "When everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much" ~ Walter Lippmann. Be unique. Find and be true to your areas of specialty; you really do have them. Take the time to consider and recognize what some of your specialties are. "There is but one course of human failure and that is man's lack of faith in his true self" ~ William James
Mishelle Knuteson is certified in Rapid Eye Technology (RET) an emotional release therapy, teaches classes in The Art of Feminine Presence and a Master Herbalist ~ graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Mishelle currently works as an Educative Master Herbalist (MH) for The School of Natural Healing and as Office Manager of Christopher Publications.

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In The Kitchen With Raw Melissa
In these beautiful DVD's you will join raw food expert Melissa Chappel, also known as Raw Melissa, as she takes you into her kitchen and teaches you how to make some of her favorite recipes. 

She will take you step-by-step through recipes using ingredients you can find at your local grocery store or health food store. 


Grilled Corn, Avocado and Tomato Salad
with Honey Lime Dressing

1 pint grape tomatoes
1 ripe avocado
2 ears of fresh sweet corn
2 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1 lime
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp honey
Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste
1 clove garlic, minced
Dash of cayenne pepper
Remove husks from corn and grill over medium heat for 10 minutes. The corn should have some brown spots and be tender and not mushy. Cut the corn off the cob then scrape the cob with the back of your knife to get the juices. Set aside and let cool. Slice the tomatoes in half. Dice the avocado and chop the cilantro.
Add all the dressing ingredients in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Set aside.
Combine the sliced tomatoes, avocado, cilantro and grilled corn and honey lime dressing and mix gently so everything is evenly coated. Be careful not to mash the avocados. Let the salad sit for 10-15 minutes to let flavors mingle.

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