Giving Your Skin Breath...

Published: Wed, 09/17/14

Herbal Legacy
Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

September 17, 2014
Giving Your Skin Breath... Tonya Judd M.H.
Our skin is our largest organ and is often referred to as our 3rd kidney. Our skin receives 1/3 of the blood circulated in the body and 25% of the bodies toxins are released through our skin each day. That's 1/4 of the body's detoxification that occurs through the skin!  Adults eliminate over 1 pound of waste acids each day through sweat glands, yet the skin is the last organ we think of giving nutrients to and is the first to show signs of imbalance. Some signs of imbalance in the skin include: acne, cracked skin, dry skin, cellulite, brown spots, etc. Our skin needs to breathe and it needs nutrients. If our skin is clogged with dead skin cells, the elimination that should occur there is forced upon the kidneys and liver. 
There is an easy yet amazing measure you can take to help your skin breathe, it is dry skin brushing. The benefits of dry skin brushing are numerous and essential for beautiful glowing skin. Dry skin brushing helps the skin to breathe by removing dead skin cells and opening clogged pores. 
Dry skin brushing is best done once a day in the morning before showering. There is an order and direction in which you should brush. Please watch these videos for detailed instruction;
(for your body)
(for your face)  
This process should take approximately 10-15 minutes each morning. Also, use a good natural soap without chemicals and perfumes. If you find that you need to use a moisturizer try almond oil, coconut oil or other natural oil that will feed your skin and your body. Remember whatever you place on your skin is absorbed directly into the blood stream, so be wise in your choice of what you are "feeding" your skin and your body. Once you have been skin brushing for a few weeks you should start to notice the lessened need for moisturizers. You can get a brush almost anywhere just make sure it has natural fiber bristles.
Some of the amazing benefits you will see include: 
-smooth glowing skin 
-encourages the body's discharge of metabolic waste so the body is able to run more effectively 
-helps ingrown hairs 
-moves lymph 
-stimulates nerve endings 
-stimulates hormone glands 
-tones muscles 
-tightens skin 
-stimulates circulation 
-reduces cellulite 
-stimulates oil glands and helps the skin produce protective and moisturizing oils
-strengthens the immune system 
-diminishes stretch marks considerably 
-opens the pores and allows your body to easily release toxins through sweating 
Tonya Judd is a Master Herbalist graduate of the School of Natural Healing and an Emotional Release Practitioner.

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If you missed an article be sure to visit and click on Articles.  Also, take advantage of David Christopher's Radio Show (see Resource Links below for more information).

Upcoming Herb Walk! 

Thursday, September 18th from 5-7 p.m.
Cost is $40.00 per person
(Students call the school for your discounted price)
Meet at the School of Natural Healing at 4:30 p.m.
198 S. Main in Springville (3rd floor, above Magleby's)
Space is limited so call and reserve your spot today!

 Click Here to sign up for courses!

Now Available at Christopher Publications!
In The Kitchen With Raw Melissa
In these beautiful DVD's you will join raw food expert Melissa Chappel, also known as Raw Melissa, as she takes you into her kitchen and teaches you how to make some of her favorite recipes. 

She will take you step-by-step through recipes using ingredients you can find at your local grocery store or health food store. 


Skin Loving Juice

1 beet 
4-6 large carrots 
1 apple 
2 full, large leaves of kale 
1 thumb size nub of ginger 
Juice from 1/2 lemon 
Juice all the above in a juicer and enjoy!
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