Fibrocystic Fallacy

Published: Wed, 01/13/16


  Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher PublicationsHerbal Legacy

January 13, 2016

Fibrocystic Fallacy David Christopher, M.H.
The very term Fibrocystic Breast Disease is inherently scary. Anyone diagnosed with such a condition would understandably be apprehensive. However, this is a benign breast condition that exists in most women to one degree or another. It should never have been termed as a disease.  The widespread misconception that this condition of painful or lumpy or painful lumpy breasts is a sure precursor to breast cancer is totally erroneous. It is the number one reason women see a gynecologist. The danger in this is that said gynecologist will most likely recommend a mammogram and mammograms are inherently dangerous.  Mammograms are notoriously inaccurate (false positive and false negative); and the very notion of pressing a breast between two metal plates and irradiating it with 40 times (as some have described) the radiation of a chest X-Ray is ludicrous. Recently studies have shown an increased risk of breast cancer in those receiving mammograms over those who do not get mammograms. I wouldn’t even have to mention this if the medical profession would just drop mammograms in favor of thermograms which are more accurate and can detect cancer earlier with no side effects.

If the breast pain and swelling is cyclical and clears up with menses then all that is typically needed is nutritive and herbal support. Highly processed foods have been shown to be problematic while fresh fruits, vegetables and sprouted grains have been shown to be palliative.  While studies linking caffeinated beverages are inconclusive, depending on who pays for the studies, elimination of these caffeinated products has been shown to be very beneficial.  Alcoholic beverages should be avoided like the plague. Supplementation with Kelp, wheat germ oil, flax seed oil and Evening Primrose Oil would be extremely beneficial. Herbal support would include diuretics and hepatics to get rid of water retention and flush excess hormones like estrogen from the system. Dandelion leaf is excellent for both as it mildly affects the kidneys for elimination of water retention and stimulates the liver to break down excess estrogen. Stronger acting herbs would include parsley, juniper and uva-ursi as diuretics and milk thistle and barberry for liver support.

In dealing with persistent cysts (lumpy breasts) Dr. Christopher’s Three Day cleansing and mucus-less Diet program should be employed.  Topically he recommended pouring castor oil on a cloth, placing the cloth over the breast and applying alternating hot and cold packs in five minute intervals for an hour a day.  To eventually resolve this fibrocystic non-disease condition, make a tea of three parts mullein and one part lobelia and then apply a cotton cloth that has been soaking in this tea to the breast for a day or night at least three times a week.  For more information I recommend Dr. Christopher’s Book Every Woman’s Herbal.        

David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.

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Avocado Super Smoothie

  • 1 whole avocado
  • 1 cup of torn kale leaves, no stem
  • ½ cup organic blueberries
  • ½ cup fresh pineapple
  • 1 cup of organic baby spinach
  • ½ sliced cucumber
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut water
Pour coconut water into blender. Add the avocado, kale, blueberries, pineapple, spinach and cucumber. Cover with lid and blend until smooth. Pour into two glasses and serve immediately.
Recipe by Erin at Health Nut News
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