The Best Plant to Know

Published: Wed, 02/24/16


  Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher PublicationsHerbal Legacy

February 24, 2016

The Best Plant to Know That Grows Everywhere: Laukahi (aka Plantain) Jennifer Van Gorp, M.H.

There are many amazing plants out there. But plantain is one I always try to tell people about because it's found all over the world AND it can be used for both minor and life-threatening ailments.
Since I live in Hawaii, I call it by its Hawaiian name, "Laukahi." This common plant is also known as plantain and it grows just about everywhere throughout the world! It is a powerful blood cleanser that is especially useful in drawing out poison from the bloodstream so that it can be eliminated.
There are many different types of plantain, but the two main ones are: broad-leaf plantain (Plantago major​) and narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata).

Bites, Stings and Blood Infections
For bites, stings and blood infections (like when you start to see that red line...), a poultice of laukahi can be made: chew on the leaves (do not swallow the juice), and spit it all out on the wound. The digestive enzymes from your saliva help to breakdown the plant, making its medicinal properties more useable. Apply as much as needed to thoroughly cover the affected area. When it dries, apply more of the fresh, wet poultice.

Staph Infections
This can also be useful in cases of staph infections. Make a poultice of 2 parts comfrey, 1 part laukahi, and 1 part olena (turmeric) and apply it directly to the infection. The poultice can be made in the blender or in your mouth (keep in mind the olena stains!).

Food Poisoning
Laukahi can also be used for food poisoning: just chew the leaf, suck out and swallow the juice, then eat the pulp. Eat at least one large handful like this.

Sea Stings
Laukahi mixed with urine will help to sooth wana (sea urchin) and pololia (jellyfish) stings.

Jennifer Van Gorp is a graduated Master Herbalist, Singer/Songwriter and Past Life Hypnotist who enjoys outdoor recreation, dancing and playing board games with her husband.

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White Minestrone

2-3 onions roughly chopped
4 cloves + 2 cloves garlic minced
1 Tablespoon + 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
8 large carrots peeled and cut into rounds
2 Tablespoons olive oil
4 cups cooked garbanzo beans {or any white bean}
4 cups shredded green cabbage
2 cups of sliced rounds of zucchini or yellow squash
2 celery stalks sliced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 Tablespoon dried basil
1 teaspoon thyme
1 Tablespoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
2 cups spinach, kale, or nettles cut into ribbons
In a stockpot steam fry or sauté onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 Tablespoon salt and 1 cup of the carrot rounds in oil until onions are translucent, 5-7 minutes. 
Transfer sauté mix to blender and add 2 cups water and 2 cups garbanzo beans. Blend until creamy. Return sauté mix to stock pot.
Add 8 cups water, remaining carrots, cabbage, zucchini or yellow squash and celery. Bring to a boil, turn heat down, and simmer until vegetables are soft, about 15 minutes.
Add the remaining 2 cups garbanzo beans, black pepper, basil, thyme, 2 1/2 teaspoons salt, vinegar, honey, remaining 2 cloves minced garlic and spinach, kale or nettle ribbons. Simmer 5 minutes.
Serve immediately.
Serves 6-8
Recipe by Amy Choate
From Amy Choate and Annie Miller's new book, "Naked Nutrition, Whole Foods Revealed" 
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