Safe Sun Exposure

Published: Wed, 07/27/16


  Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher PublicationsHerbal Legacy

July 27, 2016

Safe Sun Exposure  Jo Francks, M.H.

 The sun is the best source for Vitamin D production. Most North Americans are lacking in this important vitamin. There aren’t a lot of significant food sources to provide adequate vitamin D levels therefore we need to look to exposure to the sun for this important nutrient.

Sunbathing is an important part of Dr. Christopher’s Incurables Program. He recommended a daily sunbath in the nude in direct sunlight. He said to gradually increase exposure starting with 2 minutes front and back and add two minutes each day thereafter. He referred to the sun as the world’s greatest doctor but advised to never allow the skin to burn from exposure to the sun or a sunlamp. The skin uses the rays from the sun to produce vitamin D but once the skin starts to turn pink it no longer produces vitamin D. It is important to understand the difference between the rays of the sun. There are UVA rays and UVB rays. UVA rays are longer and penetrate deep into the skin to produce a dark tan. When in the sun too long they cause wrinkles and sun spots. They are also the rays that can produce skin cancer if exposed improperly. UVB rays are shorter and cause the skin to burn. They are also the only rays that make Vitamin D.

The best time for vitamin D production from the sun is 11:00 am until 1:00 pm or when the sun is the brightest. That is when the UVB rays are most direct. They are not as effective when they come in at an angle. Additionally, they are easily filtered out by smog, pollution, fog, clouds and windows.
Vitamin D is an important nutrient in preventing cancer including skin cancers. It is important for proper immune function and to prevent autoimmune diseases. It helps with proper brain function, diabetes prevention and is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Dermatologists have found that tanning makes the skin give off endorphins which improve feelings of well-being and make you feel happier.

Things to remember:

            Don’t stay in the sun so long that the skin burns or turns pink.
            Studies have shown that sunscreen can actually cause skin cancer.
            Gradual exposure to build up to a tan is best.
            Eat foods high in antioxidants. Luckily they are abundant this time of year.
People who have changed to the Mucusless Diet have indicated that they can be in the sun without burning for a longer period of time.
For most people 20 minutes in the sun with arms and face exposed twice a week is what is needed for adequate vitamin D production.

Jo Francks is a Master Herbalist graduate of The School of Natural Healing. She is also a Holistic Iridologist and Quantum Touch Practitioner.

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Lentil Pâté with Apples 

1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 large shallot, minced
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup cooked lentils
1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh thyme
1 tart apple
In a small skillet warm olive oil over medium heat. Add shallot; sauté until soft and lightly golden, about 4 minutes. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute longer.
In a mini food processor combine 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds and a pinch of salt; pulse until finely chopped. Add lentils, vinegar and shallot mixture; season generously with salt and pepper. Pulse to combine. Add 2 to 3 tsp. water; pulse until smooth. Transfer to a small bowl and stir in coconut oil, parsley and thyme. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or up to overnight.
Just before serving, core and cut apple into thin wedges. Spread 1 tsp pâté over each apple slice. Chop remaining pumpkin seeds, sprinkle over apple slices and serve.

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