Subtle Healing

Published: Wed, 09/21/16


  Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher PublicationsHerbal Legacy

September 21, 2016

Subtle Healing Mishelle Knuteson, M.H.

 One of the things I love about summer is the wild sunflowers that come up in my yard. When they flower they add so much color and bring a sense of freedom and joy to the area in which they bloom. Last year about this time I learned about flower essences and how they work. The fact that I feel happy, free and joyful when I look at these sunflowers in my yard, this is the healing power flower essence made from these flowers has to offer me.
Flower essences are among the subtle healing methods, similar to homoeopathy. One of the main founders of using flower essences for healing is Dr. Edward Bach. Much like Dr. Christopher, he had the philosophy that “There are no diseases, but only sick people.” Dr. Bach developed a system of 38 flower remedies that work on replacing negative emotional imbalances with positive. One of the most well-known remedies is called Rescue Remedy. This combination has helped many people get through very stressful situations and brings the needed calm and relaxation in the moment.
Here is what Bach wrote concerning the way his flower remedies work, “The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open up our channels for the reception of the Spiritual Self; to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm. They are able, like beautiful music or any glorious uplifting thing which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures and bring us nearer to our souls and by that very act to bring us peace and relieve our sufferings. They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine. There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness.”
I believe the best herbal medicine is the kind you make yourself and that goes with flower essences as well. So here you go….this is how to make your own flower essences.
Pick a nice sunny day when the flower you want to use is in full bloom. Bring a small clear glass bowl and some room temperature distilled or spring water, (I found that a little goes a long way so a small bowl is perfect). You may sit and meditate by the flower so you can get a sense of the healing qualities of the plant for you. Follow the instructions listed, supplies in bold print.
  1. Fill the bowl with the water. Use sterilized scissors to snip off the flowers. Do not touch the flowers. Allow them to fall into the bowl. Snip enough flowers to cover the surface of the water.  (Remember you don’t need a lot). Leave the bowl on the ground in the sun, preferably by the plant but not necessary, and allow the water to infuse for 3-4 hours.
  2. Strain the water through cheesecloth or a coffee filter and compost the flowers.
  3. Fill a sterilized dark glass bottle halfway with the infused water. Top off the jar with brandy, apple cider vinegar or glycerin as a preservative. This is your Mother Bottle that you will use to make your flower essences from. Label it with the date and flower used.
  4. To make a stock remedy bottle, fill a small, 30 ml dark dropper bottle quarter with water. Add about 7 drops of the infused water from the Mother Bottle. Shake the bottle against the palm of your hand for a minute, sending your own vibrations and energy of wellness into the remedy. Top the bottle off with your preservative (brandy or glycerin).
  5. To make the dosage bottle, take another 30 ml dark dropper bottle and fill three quarters with water add just 3-4 drops of the infused water from the stock bottle and top off with the preservative. You will use this bottle quickly therefore it doesn’t need as much preservative. Tap the bottle against your palm before each use.
  6. Take 4 drops under the tongue or in your water as needed throughout the day. More frequent doses rather than larger doses are more effective.
The highest energy frequency in a plant is in the flower; flower essences capture that vibration. They derive their potency not from the biochemical action of the physical constituents, but from vibrational or subtle energetic properties.

I do notice the difference when I add my sunflower essence to my water and the days I don’t. The days I do, there seems to be a subtle uplift in my spirit. I love creating these flower essences. Give it a try and see what you notice. Start with making a single flower essence and when you get a feel for it you can make combinations using 3-5 essences blended together. Get in touch with nature and create!!!

Mishelle Knuteson is certified in Rapid Eye Technology (RET) an emotional release therapy, is a Thai Yoga Therapy practitioner and a Master Herbalist ~ graduate of The School of Natural Healing. Mishelle currently works as an Educative Master Herbalist (MH) for The School of Natural Healing and as Office Manager of Christopher Publications.

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Blossom Tisane

Serves 1 

About 10 fresh chamomile flowers
About 10 fresh feverfew flowers
About 20 individual buds from a fresh lavender blossom

Put flowers into a heatproof pot. Pour about 1 cup hot water over flowers. Steep 3 to 4 minutes. Pour tea into a mug, straining it if you like.

Recipe from Amy Machnak, Sunset

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