
Published: Wed, 11/02/16


  Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher PublicationsHerbal Legacy

November 2, 2016

Freedom  David Christopher, M.H.

We all believe in freedom; freedom of choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech: but what about freedom of self?  Are we allowed to be nerdy, controversial, different, happy, sad, intense, loud, meek, mild, aggressive, conservative or liberal?  If we are different from the “norm” should we be ostracized, penalized, criminalized or medicated into compliance? 

Should we be allowed self-determination in what happens to our personal self, body and brain? Should we have the right to accept or reject anything put into our bodies?

I am horrified when teachers, school nurses, administrators and doctors mandate that my child should be categorized, labeled and medicated for personality traits, habits, learning abilities or lack thereof.  It is equally disturbing that people are denied employment, travel, access to school for their children or daycare or even the right for their children to play on sports teams for lack of vaccinations.  Where will this non-compliance end? Will it end in incarceration?  And then from there might it end with lobotomy?  It is our responsibility to ensure our freedom through our representatives in government. 

Realizing the necessity of these freedoms we should be very careful who we vote for in this upcoming election. I believe that the number one freedom we must protect is freedom of self.  No one has the right to medicate me, my family or anyone against our will.  So why vote for people like Richard Pan who was instrumental in passing California’s SB 277 mandatory vaccine bill, which denies access to public facilities for the non-vaccinated members of society?  Or a governor who by executive order mandates an ineffective vaccine that brings on teenage uterine failure and almost on a weekly basis is killing the recipients?  Or representatives who advocate compliance to all recommended vaccines even though most have no bearing on the herd.  We should have the right to reject medications, even if they could be shown to be safe and effective.

Who should you vote for?  You should vote for someone who will not violate your freedom of self.  Forcing medication is a violation of self.  To find out who would violate your most personal freedom just google “What stance does ______  _______ have on mandatory vaccination?”
I believe the freedom of self is the most critical health issue we are faced with today and I exhort each of you to study the position of each candidate and vote for those who uphold this basic freedom.

David Christopher is a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. He also co-hosts the popular radio show "A Healthier You" and is a popular international teacher and lecturer.

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Red, White and Blue Parfaits

Raspberries and/or Strawberries
Shredded sugar free coconut - optional
Granola - optional
1 can full fat coconut milk
Coconut Cream Whipped Cream
1 can full fat coconut milk chilled in the refrigerator (turn the can upside down in the fridge so that when you open it all of the cream is on the top and the liquid is on the bottom) Drain off the liquid and save it for smoothies.
Using a hand mixer or a stand-alone mixer, whip the coconut cream until stiff peaks form.  Add 1/8 to 1/4 cup sweetener of your choice such as, honey, maple syrup or agave.  You can also add vanilla if desired.
Layer the berries, bananas, granola and coconut cream in clear glasses.  Top with granola and shredded coconut.
Recipe by Tonya Judd

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