Garden Companion Books Sale

Published: Wed, 03/29/17


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications

   March 29, 2016

  Gardening Companion Books

Spring is here, at least for today.  Here in Utah we have had a wonderfully snowy winter.  We have needed the moisture and are so thankful for such a gift!
This month we are featuring 2 books to help you with your garden planning and to help you have a successful gardening experience this growing season.  We are offering 20% off of these two titles: The Vegetable Gardener’s BIBLE by Edward C. Smith and The Essential Garden Design Workbook by Rosemary Alexander.
The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible, by Edward C. Smith is packed with color photos on almost every page and is broken down into three sections.
The first section, From Seed to Harvest, introduces the reader to Edward Smith’s, wide, deep, raised bed method, as well as a how-to on  selecting seed catalogs, seeds, deciding what to plant, crop rotation, companion planting, seed starting, cold frames, greenhouses, row covers, watering guides and systems, mulching, fertilizing, planning your garden, growing and harvesting.    
The second section, The Healthy Garden, focuses on soil health, composting, how to naturally deter detrimental insects and how to attract beneficial insects.
In the third section of the Vegetable Gardener’s Bible features the Plant Directory, with vegetables and herbs from Amaranth to Watermelon,  as well as optimal soil pH, nutrients, sowing instructions, growing, fertilizing, mulching, weeding, harvesting, use and storage tips.  He also lists his favorite early season and late season vegetable varieties.   
The Vegetable Gardener’s BIBLE is one book that we would highly recommend for gardening success.
The Essential Garden Design Workbook by Rosemary Alexander

Be your own landscaper. The Essential Garden Design Workbook will take you through a step by step process on how to plan and landscape your yard. It goes to the basics, pinpointing the key practical essentials for a successful garden.  This is a very comprehensive do-it-yourself workbook that provides clear and practical guidance through every stage of designing a garden.  You will learn how to assess your site and experiment with designs that will fit the needs of your space.  It will also tell you how to estimate the growth of trees and surrounding plants, so you can plan for the future.

Landscape is more than just the vegetation; learn how to select suitable hard landscaping materials that will add that special touch and complete look to your yard and garden.  The Essential Garden Design Workbook is tailor-made for hands-on gardeners who want to rework their gardens to achieve that sought after designer look. This is also a great resource book for students in the School of Natural Healing in the Herbalist section of the program to help them complete their garden design assignment.

There are hundreds of explanatory drawings, quick reference diagrams and color photographs that can help you give your yard that professional touch.   

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If you missed an article be sure to visit and click on Articles. Also, take advantage of David Christopher's Radio Show (see Resource Links below for more information).
The Master Herbalist Certification Seminar is quickly approaching and will be held June 19th through the 24th.  If you are in the Advanced section of your Master Herbalist studies and would like more information please contact us at the School of Natural Healing at 1-800-372-8255 or you can find more information at the following link:
Join David Christopher at the Energy Healing Conference!
David will be speaking on Mental Manna
"And when the Children of Israel saw it , they said...It is manna...This is bread which the Lord hath given you to eat." Exodus 16:15 Can it be that easy for us today? Yes it can. We have available to us foods and herbs that will nourish, strengthen and change our mental health. David will teach simple ways to find relief and healing from issues such as depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's and autism.
Salt Lake City Energy Healing Conference
April 15th, 2017
Miller Conference Center
9750 300 West
Sandy, UT 84070

David Christopher is now on Twitter!
You can follow David @DChristopherMH

makes 8 to 10 large pancakes |          | prep time: 15 minutes |           | cook time: 15 to 20 minutes |
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons water 
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted, plus more for cooking
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup, more for serving
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 
  • 3/4 cup gf oat flour
  • 3/4 cup quinoa flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
Super seed mix:
  • 2 tablespoons toasted sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons toasted pumpkin seeds
  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
  • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
Possible toppings:
  • sliced mango
  • sliced banana
  • chia seeds
  • bee pollen 
  • sliced almonds or other nuts
  • hemp seeds
  • cacao nibs
  • cinnamon
  1. Whisk together the flax and water, set aside for 10 minutes, until mixture is a gooey egg-like consistency.  In a liquid measuring cup, combine the almond milk and vinegar and let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes, until the surface is bubbly and curdled.  Then whisk in the oil, syrup, vanilla, and flax egg, set aside.  In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, salt and super seed mix.  Whisk the wet ingredients into the dry until thoroughly combined.  Let the batter sit for about 5 minutes, until it has thickened a bit.
  2. While the batter is resting, preheat oven to warm and line a baking sheet with parchment, set aside.  Heat a large skillet over medium heat, once the skillet is hot, add enough oil to coat the pan; add roughly 2 tablespoons of batter for each pancake and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.  Place pancakes in the preheated oven to keep them warm, and repeat with remaining batter adding more oil as needed.
  3. Plate warm pancakes, add desired toppings, and drizzle with maple syrup.
Recipe by Lindsey Love from

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