Herbal Education

Published: Wed, 07/25/18


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
 July 25, 2018
 Honorable Herbs - Mullein  

Mullein - Verbascum Thapsus

Mullein is an indispensable herb.  It grows wild in mountainous areas and we have seen it volunteer in yards in the city.  Dr. Christopher used it as one of the herbs in the glandular formula, three parts mullein and one part Lobelia.  It is a biennial plant that can be easily recognized by its tapering, tall flower head.  In ancient times, Mullein was dipped in tallow and used for torches.  
Mullein is excellent for any type of bronchial problems.  The oil of it can be dropped into the ears for earache.  Dr. Christopher always used Mullein and Lobelia for swollen glands such as mumps and on a case where a small boy fell on a trailer tongue and split his scrotum.  The Mullein and Lobeia  fomentation was used on the boy and the testicles healed even though the family physician said that there was no treatment but castration.

Mullein has pain-relieving properties without being poisonous.  The herb is helpful in cases of rupture as a fomemtation to prevent the escape of precious body fluids.
The respiratory formula developed by Dr. Christopher, contains mullein, an herbs which is often used for its fine effects upon the respiratory system.  It soothes the lungs and helps with bringing up phlegm.

Dr. John R. Christopher

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Asparagus with Garlic

2 dozen spears of fresh asparagus trimmed
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons of olive oil
A dash of pepper, cayenne or your favorite spice

Trim the woody ends off of the asparagus stalks, about a half to one inch. Place the asparagus in a medium sized pot with water and steamer and steam till desired texture is achieved. Over a medium heat, in a medium skillet drizzle olive oil into pan and let it warm up for about a minute. Add garlic and lightly saute until aromatic. Place asparagus onto the serving plate, drizzle garlic and olive oil over the top. Sprinkle on freshly cracked pepper and serve. Enjoy alongside your favorite entree.

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