Health Starts with the Soil

Published: Wed, 03/13/19


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
March 13, 2019

Health Starts with the Soil Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

The late Charles Walters Jr. dedicated a good portion of his life to the organic farming industry. In The School of Natural Healing level 1000 Horticulture course, organic gardener John Dromgoole, author Charles Walter Jr., and organic farmer Steve Sprinkel teach eight different principles to organic gardening. 1 These guidelines are so profound and important that we wish to share them with you and encourage you to seek greater education in these matters.
  1. Fertilizing only Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus does not provide plants with all the nutrients they need.
  2. Plants properly fed protect themselves against insects and disease.
  3. Insects are nature’s disposal crew and quite properly remove weak and diseased plants.
  4. Weeds are indicators of the soil’s condition and using herbicides doesn’t cure soil deficiencies.
  5. Crop losses due to drought and cold are worsened by nutrient deficiency.
  6. Chemical pesticides and herbicides wrongly salvage unfit crops.
  7. Man-made chemical molecules do not exist in nature and do not breakdown in our lifetimes.
  8. Just Do It! The time for change is now.
Light, air, water, minerals, organic matter, and microorganisms are what it takes to feed our plants properly which in turn feeds us more fully. We need all the nutrients found in plants that were made from the microorganisms, organic matter, minerals, water, light, and air that work synergistically to grow the plant. David Christopher once said, “We wish to get the point across that people can use organic minerals while only plant life can utilize the inorganics.” 2 By getting our vitamins and minerals from healthy plants and not vitamin and mineral supplements, and by creating healthy soil and not a manmade soil or genetically modified plants, we will begin to see profound increased health in our lives.
To give you some direction as to how to go about nourishing your garden soil naturally, here are a couple tips for you.
  • Kelp is used greatly along the coast of Ireland, England and other coastal areas where it is found. Kelp is nutrient rich and a great natural fertilizer. It can be purchased and made into a tea to water the plants or the plant can be turned into the soil.
  • Comfrey- I noticed a great improvement in the health of my indoor plants a year ago as I had been watering them with the Comfrey tea I had made to soak my son’s foot in. Each day after I soaked his foot in the tea, I would water my plants with the soak water. I started to see increased foliage and life to the plants. This is a common practice for many organic/herbal gardeners to use comfrey as it encourages growth and is a great source of Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus and other necessary nutrients.
There are many other wonderful natural methods to increase health to your soil. These are only two. We invite you to learn more organic gardening principles in our level 1000 Horticulture class and also recommend books written by Charles Walters Jr. such as Acres USA Primer, Weeds- Control Without Poisons, Ask the Plant, Eco-Farm, and more.

Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing and mother to four wonderful children.

1. John Dromgoole, The New Garden. Principles of Organic Gardening: Level 1000 Horticulture, The School of Natural Healing.
2. Christopher, David, and Cathy Gileadi. School of Natural Healing Herb Syllabus. Christopher Publications, 2010.

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Iron Maiden

1 c. strawberries
1 c. pomegranates or raspberries
½ banana
½ small beet and a small handful of beet greens if you have them (great iron source)
½ c. raisins (great iron source)
1 ½ c. water 
Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. This has a beautiful berry flavor and full of usable and safe iron for the body. Enjoy!  (I made this especially for my beautiful “maiden” daughter who was feeling particularly tired after track practice one day.) Serves 3-4 people. 
Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy 

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