Focusing on What We Can Do

Published: Wed, 04/17/19


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
April 17, 2019

Focusing on What We Can Do Kelly Pomeroy, M.H.

While serving as a private in the military, Dr. Christopher worked in a medical dispensary. At first, he was frustrated being in an orthodox medical facility where he was unable to practice teaching wholesome diet and natural healing methods. Over time he began to see purpose to his post. He saw the effects of orthodox medications over time. He also had an opportunity to put some natural methods to use by helping a young man with impetigo whom the doctors had given up on.  He gave a prescription to the mess sergeant for the soldier to have a diet of wholesome plant-based foods and he used black walnut. The impetigo cleared and Dr. Christopher was given more respect and freedom to use his methods.1 

Dr. Christopher focused his teachings on a mucusless diet and herbs to support the body. When beginning this diet, it can seem constricting and overwhelming. There are many habits to let go of and others to refine. Understanding the whys of what we do and do not eat certain foods will increase our motivation to make changes. I encourage you to read in Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Home Health Care book-Appendix B, Dr. Christopher’s Three-Day Cleanse Booklet-Part II, or Just What is the Word of Wisdom booklet to gain greater insights.

Here is a list of the do’s and supplements he suggests which too often are underestimated.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, roots, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. There is a rainbow of colors, flavors, and textures for us to eat. In this rainbow is a massive spectrum of readily available vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino and fatty acids to bless our bodies. My advice is to keep meal planning simple, savor the simplicity of foods, and find a good recipe book to guide you in helping your family enjoy more plant-based eating. Look at Christopher Publications for great recipe books.
  • Cayenne- One teaspoon three times a day. Cayenne is great for stimulating the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid which is used for breaking down our foods in preparation of absorbing their nutrients. Cayenne is a blood equalizer, a true food for circulation, for nourishing the heart, and is rich in vitamin C. 2, 3
  • Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar-One Tablespoon of honey and One Tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of warm water three times a day. Honey is antimicrobial and great for immune health. Apple cider vinegar diluted causes stomach juices to flow better and prepare it to receive food. It is also high in Potassium, a vital mineral for our bodies. 2,3
  • Kelp-Two kelp tablets or 1 teaspoon three times a day. Kelp is rich in iodine and other healthy salts. It supports the thyroid, aids weight loss, supports the liver and bowels, motivates the pancreas, tones and nourishes the reproductive organs, and aids in arthritis to reduce acidity yet increase healthy salts. 2,3
  • Molasses- One Tablespoon three times a day. A great source of Iron, Potassium, and Calcium. Each of these minerals are so important for our body. It can aid in cases of anemia, support brain and nerve function, and supply our bodies with needed minerals.2,3
  • Wheat Germ Oil-One tablespoon or capsule of wheat germ oil three times a day. This is a good source of vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and a powerful antioxidant. Wheat germ oil can assist with reproductive problems, burns, and more. 2,3
Begin incorporating these foods into your daily routine. Thomas A. Edison once said, “The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Dr. Christopher served his country by patiently teaching true principles of health to those who would hear. May we be a part of the future focusing on what we can do to help ourselves and others.

Kelly Pomeroy is a Master Herbalist and Student Adviser for The School of Natural Healing. She has a love for learning and especially for being a mother to her four children.

  1. Christopher, David. Herbal Legacy Of Courage, Dr. John Raymond Christopher. [Christopher Publications], 1993.
  2. Christopher, David, and Cathy Gileadi. School Of Natural Healing Herb Syllabus. Christopher Publications, 2010.
  3. Christopher, John R. School Of Natural Healing. Christopher Publications, 2014.
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Cowabunga Smoothie

1 T. Black Strap Molasses
2 T. Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Banana
1 t. Kelp
2 T. raw cocoa or carob powder
2 C. Non-Dairy Milk
Honey, (optional-add to taste)
Ice, start with ½ c., add more as you like.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serves 2-3 people. Enjoy!

Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy

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