Herbs to the Rescue!

Published: Wed, 10/16/19


Herbal Legacy

Sponsored by The School of Natural Healing & Christopher Publications
October 16, 2019

Herbs to the Rescue!  Wendy Fargo, M.H.

I am continuously amazed by herbs and their healing abilities. As an active herbalist who grows her own herbs, I have many occasions to use them on myself. When I have the opportunity to use them on my animals it is doubly exciting!  This is the story of one such occasion.

I was traveling home this summer from attending a conference and the weather was stormy. We were having a fierce thunderstorm.  One of my dogs is very fearful of storms and I usually give her Kava drops when I know a storm is coming to keep her calm. Unfortunately, she did not receive any and proceeded to panic to the point of trying to literally EAT her way out of her kennel.  By the time I got home, she had almost torn her bottom jaw off trying to bite through the chain link fencing. I was tired, and looking forward to heading to bed, but something told me to go check on the animals in the goat yard. There I found Sheba with skin hanging, and her entire bottom jaw exposed.  I could see her teeth. Her tongue was falling out of the side of her mouth because there was no “cheek” to hold it in. So, I rolled up my sleeves and went to work.

Knowing that Dr. Christopher would have told me to clean it, then repair with comfrey and other cell building herbs I got to work preparing the herbs.  I chose to create sprays because I needed something that would absorb and there wasn’t much to hold a poultice.  

The first spray was to clean the area and draw out toxins to start the healing process.  I used Plantain for its toxin “sucking” properties as well as its incredible healing ability, Aloe Vera for healing and cell proliferation, Lavender essential oil for its antibacterial and calming properties and Black Walnut as an antifungal.  I sprayed the area twice a day.

The second spray was made with Comfrey Root, Marshmallow Root, Mullein Leaf, Wormwood Herb, Lobelia Herb.  Dr. Christopher was a big proponent of these herbs for cell rebuilding. I used this on Sheba twice a day after the Plantain Spray.  

I also soaked some fresh Comfrey and Burdock Root in goat’s milk to give her in the mornings. 

I kept a close watch on her to make sure she did not get any infection but felt confident that she would not.  She was rounding up the goats and carrying bones and toys in her mouth the very next day. Sheba was a very good patient, sitting quietly while I sprayed her face and jaw.  

After one week, Sheba’s skin had already regrown and was filling in the empty spots on her jawline, covering her teeth once again.  I continued to spray her twice a day for two more weeks. By the end of the third week, you could not even tell that she had injured herself.  I was thrilled!  

Thanks to my education at the School of Nature Healing, I can approach any situation whether it be human or animal with confidence knowing there are plenty of herbs ready and willing to assist me.  

Wendy Fargo is a Master Herbalist and Educator.  She lives in Royal, Arkansas and enjoys growing herbs, raising animals, teaching workshops and classes at a local college, and public speaking about the joys of living naturally with herbs.
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French Dressing

2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp honey
4 TB olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika (smoked adds a fun flavor)
1-2 garlic clove pressed

Add ins (Optional)
1/2 tsp curry powder
1 TB fresh or 1 tsp dried basil leaf

Mix 2 TB of oil with the other ingredients (except lemon juice).  Stir well and add lemon juice.  Continue stirring until dressing thickens and add rest of oil slowly. 

Recommendation: Double this recipe and blend everything up in a blender.  THis makes things easier and creates dressing for the week for all your salad and veggie seasoning needs. 

Recipe from The School of Natural Healing book

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