Couch to CrossFit?

Published: Fri, 01/08/16

​We always get an increased amount of inquiries at the start of each year and this year is no different. If you're already working out consistently and/or CrossFitting - great! Keep it up.

But if you're not, keep reading...

We're rolling out THE program for beginners, or those who have taken a long time off from working out and wish to get started again safely and efficiently.

It's called "Couch To CrossFit." Creative, right? j/k.

This is a step by step 4 Week Program that will meet on Saturdays starting January 16th.

If this is of any interest to you, you can get all the details right here. Spots are limited for this first group, so check it out if this is something you are looking for.

Make it a great day!

 P.S. I'm starting to post more to Instagram if you're on there. Workout tips, nutrition, motivation, etc. If you want to take a peak you can follow @rigorous73