Well, umm... 27 Days now...

Published: Thu, 10/27/16

Hey - I sent this email out a couple of days ago and you may have missed it.

I just started a new Facebook group to help my clients, members, and subscribers get focused in on their fitness from right now until Thanksgiving and I wanted to extend it out to you and your friends as well!​​​​​​​
This is for everyone. If you're currently working out or need a little motivation to get moving again, this is it - and it's free to join. Get a friend or coworker to join as well and help keep each other accountable!

There's a sample menu plan as well as "home workouts" if you don't have a gym to go to. The goal is to move every day and make better food choices. We'll give you the guidance. See you on the inside!
Make it a great day!