Does self-care matter?

Published: Sat, 11/18/17


Hi ,

How are you?

Did you know this week was Self-Care Week?

The strap line for this year's campaign was Embracing Self Care for Life and so I wanted to talk to you about if and how you embrace self-care in your own life.

Does self-care matter to you or are you sick and tired of hearing about it?

I'm aware that self-care has become a bit of a buzzword and there's a danger that people dismiss it as just another expensive health fad.

But the truth is, self-care has been around for centuries. 

I think that what's happening is, nowadays many of us are so overwhelmed with life and all our commitments, that unless we're reminded, we won't actually stop to take care of ourselves, until we're forced to. 

Self-care is essential for maintaining your overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. 

So, in theory, self-care matters, but what about in practice?

Most people do agree that self-care is important but very few regularly practice it and the most common reason given is a lack of time or money.

I also know that for women especially, too often we feel guilty for taking time out for ourselves. 

But self-care is not selfish and it does not have to be expensive or time-consuming.

Below I've included my two most recent blog posts where I break down for you what self-care is and why it is important.

I also share with you 7 simple ways to practice self-care in your daily life.

I believe that the key to integrating regular self-care is to choose something that works for you and your lifestyle. 

For example, many people swear by meditation. I've tried it many times and it's normally a positive experience but I struggle to commit to it regularly.

Journaling on the other hand, I do almost every day and most importantly, it doesn't feel like a chore. It's a deliberate act; something I choose to do. 

Writing in my journal forces me to stop and check in with myself for at least a few minutes. It gives me the chance to ask myself what I need, keeps me sane and gives me a much needed outlet to vent and gain clarity.

I hope that after reading this email and my blog posts, you agree that self-care does matter and choose to make it an essential part of your daily life, if you don't do so already.

I strongly encourage you to pick at least one act of self-care that you can happily commit to doing daily.

Keep in mind that whatever you choose to do should be something that positively adds to your life, not something that depletes you.

What is Self-Care and
Why is it Important?
7 Simple Acts of Self-Care
You Can Do Every Day
Do you have a regular self-care practice or do you struggle to prioritise your needs?
I'd love to hear about your personal experience with self-care and any insights, challenges or breakthroughs you've had. 
Finally, if you're in need of some self-care inspiration, over on my website I have an interview series called Self-Care Sunday where different women are sharing their own personal self-care tips, insights and challenges.

Until next time, wishing you an abundance of joy, happiness, peace and harmony,


P.S. Remember in-between newsletters you can also connect with me on Twitter and Instagram.

