The countdown to 2018 has begun

Published: Sat, 12/02/17


Hi ,

How are you?

Can you believe we're in the final month of 2017? 

How are you feeling about it?

I started 2017 feeling lost and dazed but by April I began to get back into my stride. I was lucky enough to have 2 holidays this year, both to the Caribbean and both spending quality time with family.

After returning from my first holiday in the summer I came back feeling refreshed with real clarity about what I want my life to look and feel like going forward. I felt energised and motivated. But as we approach the end of the year, I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed. 

I've come to realise that I don't do well with blank canvases, which is technically what a new year is.

I'm that person that's scared to add the first stroke, just in case it's the wrong colour or I mess it up.

I'm scared of getting things wrong. 

Can you relate?

Thankfully, I am at a point in my life where I still take action despite the fear of making a mistake. And the way I do this is with extensive (probably too much) research and pages of journaling. It helps me to tap into my inner voice and move forward with as much confidence as possible.

I know that mistakes or wrong turns are an inevitable part of life. I also know that they are necessary for our growth and progression. They just don't always feel good. And that's what I tend to remember, how awful a mistake feels. 

With that said, as well as my apprehension, I am also looking forward to 2018. Despite often feeling nervous about new starts, they do also excite me. They are full of opportunities and possibilities. And so, for the remainder of 2017 I'm going to reflect on all the amazing memories as well as anything that didn't go to plan so I can start the new year with an abundant mentality, feeling grateful and full of optimism. 

What are your plans for December? How will you reflect on the past 11 months?

Even if it's been a challenging year, look for the glimmers of light that you experienced. Be sure to acknowledge those too. 

And remember, time is actually a man-made construct so you don't even have to wait until January to start over. Every single day of your life counts so if you're unhappy with something, make a change today, no matter how small. ​​​​​​​

Most Recent Blog Posts
You can also catch up with the most recent Self-Care Sunday interview with London-based PR and Communications Consultant, Ronke Lawal, where she shares her own personal self-care tips, insights and challenges.

This time of the year can be stressful, overwhelming and sometimes lonely so please prioritise your health and well-being by practicing self-care as often as possible (you can find lots of simple tips on my website that cost nothing). The festive holidays are a time for giving, so remember to give yourself what you need first. 

Until next time, wishing you an abundance of joy, happiness, peace and harmony,


P.S. Remember in-between newsletters you can also connect with me on Twitter and Instagram.

